The Determination of the Desperate

666 31 7

Third Person POV

When Feldway returned to the Heavenly Star Palace, the place of Veldanava's birth and their current base of operations, Michael had also just returned after confronting the traitor, Obera.

"Looks like you got beat up pretty bad." Feldway noted

Michael sighed and nodded, "Ah. Something unexpected happened. I went out to purge the defector Obera, but my <Castle Guard> didn't work.”

This surprised Feldway, "What? I didn't have a problem..."

"That's probably why. These powers are one at their core. Since you've set your loyalists as Phantoms, I'm guessing that there's no one who knows about me." Michael pointed out

"But there's me?"

"Fufu, that's against the basic principles of the skill. It's natural for your allegiance to be nullified." Michael said

"So, what happened with Obera?" Feldway asks, changing the subject

"Unfortunately, she escaped. Obera's subordinates were admirably loyal and successfully protected her from the rest." Michael explained in a matter-of-factly manner

"The soldiers under Obera's command were excellent. It's a shame to have lost such a force." Feldway said with indifference

"Now then..."

Michael assessed the situation and noted the two newcomers, Jahil and Leon, nodding after confirming that their forces have decreased.

"I think we need a chain of command for our forces. Feldway, since you are the Supreme Commander, I think we should consider who should be placed under you, what do you think?" Michael asks and Feldway nods in reply, "Right. Now that we've talked to the last person we were negotiating with, we should decide on what to do before we start the full-scale invasion."

"There's some good news though." Feldway added, glancing back at Leon, "If we can't achieve our first plan, it seems like we can have a contingency plan and a more reliable one too."

"Is that so? Then let's hold the meeting and we'll hear about it together." Michael said with a nod


The main members of the Celestial Realm, excluding Zelanus' forces, were gathered in the audience hall and Feldway presented the results of the current operation.

"I see, so Oria was killed in action." Dino muttered absentmindedly

He didn't know that she had actually been eaten by Vega. Though he never really knew her, she was still his friend so he closed his eyes and prayed for her soul with Pico, Gracia, and Mai following suit. The rest simply kept their blank expressions, and the meeting continued. Feldway took over as the moderator and Michael didn't interfere. The topic of the meeting was the appointment of positions. The purpose was to clarify the hierarchy so as not to interfere with the full-scale invasion.

Michael as the Supreme Leader

Feldway himself was named Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer

Velzard was the advisor. The decision was to leave her free to roam, as she alone would be a fetter to block Guy's movements

Of the remaining people, only nine were strong enough to be commanders, most notably Zalario.

"No, there's still one more. He's still not here yet. That makes it ten." Feldway noted in his thoughts

The last one was a friend and old acquaintance of Feldway's. A Commander would need to have a tactical mindset, but on a battlefield where one's individual strength was important, strength was all that mattered. Feldway's idea was that as long as the hierarchy was set, the rest could be left to the discretion of the Commander.

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