The Path We Chose

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Rimuru POV

I immediately shot up from my seat upon hearing the suggestion from Sakura. I quickly shook my head in refusal.

"No! The power of the Honkai is too risky! It would become deadly if not used properly! Much less, if we lend them to people inexperienced with Honkai, who knows what could happen!"

"Maybe. But what if their wills can overcome the Honkai energy? Remember that magicules here are poisonous to normal humans, just like how Honkai energy is. But for monsters, magicules are their life source. Put that into theory, then what if Honkai energy can be classified as 'safe' for anyone who possesses magicule? Would magicule nullify the effects of Honkai energy?" Sakura questions


<Report. Though Honkai energy is toxic to normal beings without magicules or any magical energy, it may be possible for beings with them to counteract the negative effects of Honkai energy.>

But how can we be sure about this?!

Sakura sighed, looking straight at me, "If you were to say something like that, then Elysia, how are you still alive when you have Honkai energy in that body?"

<Answer. You are the prime example.>


They're right. This is a reincarnated body of a monster that depends on magicules to survive!

"If Honkai energy truly overwhelms magicules, then shouldn't your current body already be raided by the Honkai illness? Yet, despite multiple uses of your Signet and Honkai energy, your body displayed no signs of negative effects. I believe that they have a chance to succeed too if that is the case." Sakura continues

"These 'Signets'... What are they?" Grandpa Hakurou asks

"As Flame-chasers, they were a power that represented us best. Thanks to this power, we were able to fight against our enemies. We have allowed someone to inherit these Signets and now..." Sakura trails off, looking at me

After a moment of pondering, I nod, "... I can see that you have made this decision and want to see through it. I'll do something about it if anything happens to them."

"Then I'll go first. The candidate I thought of is the strongest out of everyone here, after all, even in this weakening barrier." Kalpas says, standing up from his seat, tipping his head in Beni's direction, "You."


"Kalpas voluntarily giving his Signet's power without a fight... The world is really going to end..." Sakura mutters jokingly

"Wha...?! This is a one-time favor, got it?! No more after this!" Kalpas yells


"Now, now, you two! Stop fighting, even as a joke!" I exclaimed

<Report. The process of lending the Signet's power may affect weakened monsters that are not strong enough to endure the energy leak.>

Some of our ministers are not fighters, after all. The strain may hit them hard and plus, we still have humans like Youm, Kaval, and Gido around, so this is a risk that I'm not willing to take.

<Suggestion. Should those individuals plan to stay and watch, the power of a being adept with the energy can absorb any stray particles of Honkai energy, especially within the composite barrier. Implementing the skill <<Form Change>> will give a higher chance of success.>

So I should use my 'Elysia' form for this to have a higher chance of succeeding...

"I might need to use my powers to protect humans like Youm, Kaval, and Gido from any stray Honkai energy particles. So give me a moment, Kalpas."

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