Finals and a Chat

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Rimuru POV

Putting my worries from last night aside, I set off to the Dwarven Kingdom the moment the morning of the third day arrived, picking up the gold coins and exchanging them with our Stellar Gold Coins. Upon returning to Tempest, the finals were going to be held and a betting pool was already open for everyone to make their predictions about who the winner was going to be.

Well, I want to cheer for all three of them, so no betting for me! I'll just see how this plays out!

"Next, we are finally entering the final! Which contestant will be crowned the Champion? Will it be the 'Shining' Masayuki, the 'Youth of Daybreak' Kosma or the Chibi Warrior Gobta, who's fighting for his place among the 'Four Heavenly Kings'?" Souka announced as the three stepped onto the stage

Diablo raised his hand as the arena went silent. I observed Masayuki looking to be panicking but hiding it as best as he could.

Poor boy... I wonder how his skill will help him this time.

"And now, we will! We will witness the very first Tempest Martial Tournament finale! On one side, we have the fierce warrior, lieutenant of Demon Lord Rimuru and young captain of the Goblin Riders, Gobta! On the other side, the Hero of the Western Nations, the 'Shining Chosen Hero' Masayuki! And finally, we have a young, silent boy, a warrior from the Thirteen Flame-chasers, seeking to soar to a greater height, Rank Nine, 'Flame-chaser of Daybreak', Kosma! What sort of match will they show us? Turn your sight to the center of the stage, what an intense staredown! The match will begin in..."

My mind paused for a moment at her announcement, activating <Thought Acceleration> to clear my panicked thoughts.

He revealed his rank this easily? Why? ... Oh well, the damage is already done and everyone watching this now knows that our Rank Nine is just a young, but talented boy. Maybe this will turn in our favor...?

With those self-comforting thoughts in mind, I deactivated <Thought Acceleration> and turned my attention back to the match.

"Now then, let the match begin!"

Gobta dashes forward, seemingly intending to keep using the strategy he used against Carrion yesterday. Kosma just calmly stepped onto the stage, gauging both of his opponents. Masayuki just looks at Gobta with a cold smile and lets out a small huff.

"Ho, so it's true that being more attractive also means that you're stronger! In the face of Gobta's funny antics, Masayuki proves this with his ineffable serenity!"

Souka... Those words can hurt...

"Heh, hehe, just as I thought. From your reaction, I can tell, no matter what I do, it would be futile- Woah!" Gobta yelped out in surprise as Kosma suddenly appeared in front of him with a fist ready

Anything goes in this final match. It could become a two-on-one at any point of time, but it seems like Kosma has decided to go after Gobta first, who was quick to evade his fist.

"Damn... Then I guess it's time for my newly acquired ultimate power!" Gobta exclaimed

Hm? What is he up to now?

<Report. Last night, the individual 'Gobta' acquired Unique Skill <<Magic Wolf Summon (Give Strength)>>. Deduced reason being that the individual 'Ranga' intervened forcefully. Extra Skill <<Unification>> therefore was combined, and it now seems to be capable of summoning a Magic Wolf to perform skill <<Unification>>.>

Eh? How is that... Raphael-san~ You had something to do with it, right?


Well, what's done has been done and it is going to make the match more interesting, so I can't complain now.

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