Side: Elysia's Skill Exploration

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*knock* *knock*

Glass tapping can be heard in the dark space, continuing until light fills the space. In front of 'you' was Elysia in her original form with her swapped colors of silver-blue and golden eyes.

"Finally! Looks like Raphael-san managed to get this working!"

<The subspace 'fourth wall' has been successfully breached. Estimated amount of time given: ten minutes.>

"Thanks a lot!" Elysia giggles happily, looking back at 'you', "Hi! I think everyone out there knows me as 'Elysia', right? Hm... We have quite a short time here, so let's just get down to our business. Raphael-san!"


The skill brings out a board as it started displaying words on the screen.

[Name: Rimuru Tempest (EP: 5,680,000 (+ "Katana" 450,749 + "Key of Ego" 12 Million/"PRI-ARM Domain of Ego" 20 Million))

Race: Demon Slime, Primordial Herrscher

Blessing: Storm Dragon's Blessing, Origin's Affection

Title: Leader of Monsters, Chancellor of the Jura Tempest Federation, True Demon Lord, Flame-chaser of Ego, Primordial Herrscher Null (Herrscher of Zeroth:Origin, Herrscher of Beginning:Ego)

Magic: <Spirit Magic>, <Elemental Magic>, <Physical Magic>, <Greater Spirit Summoning>, <Greater Demon Summoning>

Ultimate Skills:

"Wisdom King, Raphael" - <Thought Acceleration>, <Analyze and Assess>, <Parallel Activation>, <Grant Ability>, <All of Creation>, <Cast Cancel>, <Combine/Disassemble>

"Gluttonous King, Beelzebub" - <Predation>, <Stomach>, <Mimicry>, <Isolate>, <Rot>, <Soul Consume>, <Food Chain>

"Covenant King, Uriel" - <Unlimited Imprisonment>, <Law Manipulation>, <Absolute Defense/Universal Barrier>, <Spatial Domination>

"Storm King, Veldora" - <Summon Storm Dragon>, <Storm Dragon Restoration>, <Storm Magic>

"Divine Ego" - <Signet of Ego>, <Herrscher of Zeroth:Origin>, <Arcadia System>, <Herrscher of Beginning:Ego>, <Authority of Origin>

Intrinsic Skills: <Universal Detect>, <Infinite Regeneration>, <Universal Shapeshift>, <Enhanced Replication>, <Universal Thread>, <Demon Lord Haki>

Resistance: <Natural Element Nullification>, <Ailment Nullification>, <Spiritual Attack Resistance>, <Holy Attack Resistance>, <Pain Nullification>]

"Wow! As expected of me! Even as just a Demon Lord, I have so many titles and skills!" Elysia then blinks, approaching the screen and pointing at the 'Blessing' category, "Why do I have two Blessings? I should only have Veldora's blessing, right?"

<Answer. This is the blessing Master can grant to others as the Primordial Herrscher Null. As the Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest, you still have not obtained your own blessing and thus is still under the protection of the individual 'Veldora'.>

"So... I'm my own protector but still have Veldora's protection... How special!" Elysia turns to you with glee in her eyes, "Don't you think so?"

'You' nod and decide to ask a question that you were curious about this entire time:

'What is Arcadia Honkai energy?'

Elysia hums, giving the question a thought, "Mm... From what I understand, the word 'Arcadia' has a term about bountiful natural splendor and harmony. Pretty romantic, right?", She blinks at 'your' confused reaction, "Huh? I'm not answering the question properly? Hm... Then let's leave that to Raphael-san!"

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