To Maintain Peace

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Rimuru POV

I got myself busy again and traveled to the Kingdom of Dwargon, leaving Feiyun behind in Tempest this time to meet with King Gazel and Agera. After a quick greeting with each other, we went to a parlor to talk over drinks and to discuss some of the plans for the upcoming future before the war.

"So how do we avoid the war?" King Gazel asks

I sighed and shook my head, "Unfortunately, it can't be avoided. I've already set up some magic transfer circles in the countries of the other Demon Lords for emergency travel."

"Hmm... One problem goes, and another one follows. To be honest, I thought it was over when Velgrynd-sama became an enemy. Now that she's on our side... Michael, was it? I don't think he's the one we should be worried about now." King Gazel sighed, tilting his cup towards him for another drink

"Well, they are all strong enemies. Judging by power alone, their scale is incomparable to the Empire." I told him, taking a sip from my wine glass

"I understand." He sighed again, this time wistfully, "I'm not underestimating them, quite the opposite actually."

"The opposite?"

"I don't think I'll be able to help you no matter how hard I try, so I've come to the point of resignation." King Gazel admitted

"King Gazel..."

"However, I won't let them destroy us easily. Worst case scenario, we'll be ready to take our chances." He barked out with vigor

I smiled at his unquestionable genuine resolve and continued my story while thinking of King Gazel in a reassuring way.

"A war between True Dragons is like a battle of the Gods." King Gazel stated

I hummed, "I guess that's what it feels like, huh? I have no intentions to lose though."

"However, Rimuru, your Flame-chasers are no slouches either. It takes years to get to that skill level." King Gazel suddenly said, "I'm talking about Kevin and Feiyun. They have powers that cannot be underestimated. At the moment of my impending loss, I was dragged into a mind corridor. That girl is not a simple one, I assume. Just like you. And that Kevin is another case. His flames can change the entire landscape."

"They both have enough experience with their powers to know what they can and cannot do." I assured him, "You're right. It takes years to get to that level."

"So your most dangerous subordinates weren't the Primordial Demons, after all." King Gazel claimed boldly

I shrugged, "It's a long story but you might be right. Feiyun, Iris, and the Flame-chasers... Every one of them aren't simple people."

"How did you meet them?"

"... It's a really long story. We probably experienced something special together." I recounted and looked up at the ceiling, "The end of an era and the beginning of a new era. If we keep talking about it, it would take days!"

"Haha, then a few days it will be." King Gazel said with a light chuckle, "I'll still lend you my cooperation, and you can do whatever you want."

"Thank you, King Gazel."

After that, I asked for the location where I could put a magic transfer circle in and once I got the location, I immediately set it up before returning to the parlor for chatting.

"And? How are the results of your training?" I asked

King Gazel huffed and looked over to Agera, "You are the grandfather of Master Hakurou and the founder of Oboro-Ryu, Agera-dono. You've made me realize that I still have a long ways to go!"

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