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Rimuru POV

With the company of Rigurd and Beni, I was led to the infirmary where I see Shuna and Sakura tending to the wounded.

"Rimuru-sama! You've made it back. I'm so glad you're alright..." Shuna sighs in relief

"Same to you, Shuna-chan." I said, nodding to Sakura in thanks and gasped, looking at the occupants on the beds, "Gobta-chan... Grandpa Hakurou..."

"The assailants were apparently equipped with spatial skills, so even healing spells cannot affect the wounds directly." Shuna explains

"I see. So potions wouldn't work either, right?" I asked


I carefully placed my hand on Grandpa Hakurou's wound.

Analyze it, Great Sage-san.

<Effects of spatial power confirmed. Will you devour the effect with <<Gluttony>>?>

Of course!

After successfully devouring the effect of the spatial power, I gave Full Potions to them. Thankfully, both healed up completely.

"H-Huh...? I'm... alive?" Gobta looks around, and sees Grandpa Hakurou, "Whoa! The geezer's alive too!"

Grandpa Hakurou slightly unsheathes his sword with a dark look in his eyes.

"Should I put you back to sleep?" He threatens as Gobta squeals in fear

I'm glad they are well enough to banter like they usually do!

I feel my frown returning when I didn't see her in this room either. Her absence is very obvious as she stands out the most amongst all of the people here. I had to steel myself for the worst possible scenario.

I have to prepare myself... I have to...

With a deep breath, I finally popped the question to Beni, "Where is she?"


Third Person POV

Without another word, Benimaru led them back to the plaza where the corpses were. As soon as he stops walking, Rimuru looked down at the blanket covering the corpse in front of them. Behind her, Gobta finds the dead Gobzo and runs up to his side, breaking out in a heart-shattering cry. Benimaru takes a breath, slowly lifting the blanket and there she was. A lifeless Shion, perfectly still and dead as if asleep

"Shion was protecting a child targeted by the attackers. Weakened by the barrier, she couldn't move to her full ability..." Benimaru explained hesitantly

"And Gobzo tried to protect me... The attackers were laughing as they..." Shuna adds, trailing off, not daring to add another word to the silent Rimuru

Sakura looks at the ground beneath her feet, not daring to speak nor move as she waited for even a single word or movement from Rimuru. Then... the ringing of bells is heard. Combustion of an aura filled with deep sorrow and anger could be felt, releasing uncontrollable waves from Rimuru's small body. It was almost hard for them to keep their eyes open upon feeling an incredible and unfamiliar pressure from the aura. The bells continued to ring as Sakura forced her eyes open, enough to catch the faint outline of Rimuru's Herrscher form beginning to emerge.

"Not good...! If she lashes out here, this place will..." Sakura gritted her teeth and quickly opened her mouth, "Ely-... Rimuru-sama...!"

There was a soft gasp as the aura was quickly pulled back into her body. Not turning back to them, Rimuru makes a request in a shaky voice.

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