The Banquet

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Rimuru POV

I took my seat at the round table while the rest of the Demon Lords did the same after coming out of their rooms. Veldora himself had a personal armchair placed behind me. While Mizeri and Raine were serving drinks, Guy began to speak.

"Now, in this Walpurgis, we were supposed to talk about Carrion's betrayal and Rimuru's following emergence, but those have already been resolved. Although I wouldn't mind ending it here, this is a rare opportunity. Is there anyone who wants to speak first before I ask Rimuru to explain herself?"

"May I?" Frey speaks up and stands, "I have a suggestion, more like a request."

"Go ahead."

"I would like to take this opportunity to officially announce my abdication from my 'Demon Lord' status and ask Milim to take me as her subordinate." Frey voices out her request, shocking everyone at the table, especially Milim, who had spit out her drink as Dagruel hands her his handkerchief

Dagruel is such a gentleman, handing her his handkerchief like that! But I can't be distracted!

"Wait a sec, Frey! It's my first time hearing that!" Milim shot up in surprise after wiping herself

"Yes, I didn't tell you."

"That's so sudden. What's your reason?" Guy asks

"My reason... Right." Frey sighs, looking over to me, "I have a few. I think I'm too weak to be a Demon Lord. I'm convinced after seeing the fight earlier. I wouldn't have been able to defeat an awakened Clayman."

"But Frey... As a harpy, you specialize in high-speed aerial combat. There is no reason to deprecate yourself like this." Dagruel says to which Milim nods to

"'I wouldn't have lost if we fought in the sky'. Such an excuse wouldn't work for a Demon Lord when they weren't able to protect their people. Besides, even if I were like Clayman and could easily manipulate the situation to my advantage, I know it would be meaningless against someone who could turn that all around." Frey reasons, walking to Milim, "Thus, Milim, I have decided to be your follower."


"What do you think? Would you accept my proposal?"

"Hold on a minute. If we're talking about this, I also have something to say." Carrion interrupts and stands from his seat, "After losing to Milim, it would be shameless of me to continue bearing the Demon Lord title. That's why I'm also going to give up my Demon Lord status."

"Hold on, Carrion! It was Clayman manipulating me at the time! That obviously doesn't count!" Milim exclaimed, trying to get out of the situation

"Didn't you say that it was impossible to control you, ya midget?" Carrion chuckled, though he sounded quite annoyed

I can't defend Milim because she did say that to Clayman...

"Are you sure about that, Carrion?" Guy asked

"Yeah. Supposedly, we are on the same ranks as Demon Lords but Milim showed us how huge the gap between our power is. I wholeheartedly submit to her."

"You know I have taken a liking to you, right? I was expecting you to awaken after a few hundred years." Guy sighed, fiddling with his cup

"I appreciate your expectations but I'll decide things for myself."

"Well, it's all good. From now on, Frey and Carrion are no longer Demon Lords. If you want to serve Milim, convince her by yourselves."

"Are you sure, Carrion?" Milim asks

"Yeah. Although I intend to continue being the King of Eurazania, I'm thinking of creating a new system with you at the top." Carrion nods

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