Arrival in Lubelius

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Rimuru POV

We finally arrived in the Holy Empire of Lubelius a few days later. The children were all curious and took in the sights in wonder. In the meantime, Takt and the others were shaking in nervousness. This time, I brought Diablo and Shion as my bodyguards. Keith declared that he would follow us to be the children's bodyguard, but honestly, it seems like he was there for Kosma and Griseo.

He really is caring. I'm so glad that we could break him out of that control. Aponia really picked a good man! Though I wonder why she didn't want to follow too. On another note, Veldora is the one guarding the town this time. He was a little sulky about it, but if I had brought him here, who knows what could have happened...

<Warning. Probability of problem occuring: 100 percent.>

Yup... Bringing him was really impossible.

"Welcome to Lubelius. His Majesty the Pope welcomes you too." Hinata, our guide, greeted us

I returned a greeting to her, "Thank you for your invitation. We will be in your care during this exchange."

Hinata nodded before continuing, "First off... Tonight, we will be hosting a banquet to welcome everyone. Tomorrow, we will invite you all to complete soundchecks. The following day is scheduled for rehearsal and the concert will take place in three days' time."

I turned to Takt, "What do you think?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am! There's no problem, Rimuru-sama. Even though we require magic to transfer the instruments, I don't think it will affect them very much. We will need to make slight adjustments depending on the size of the venue, but since there are bands as well, I don't think there will be a problem." Takt explains to me

"But you will only have one day to rehearse."

"Hahaha, that is indeed true. However, we've been practicing everyday back home for this concert. All of the members can guarantee that we will not disappoint." He assures me

Great! Full marks to you for your answer, Takt! I look forward to the concert!

With that, we were guided to the hotel we would be staying in and night fell. The banquet began and the band members were being treated like nobility, which made them incredibly confused and nervous.

"M-May I ask, Rimuru-sama? We are mere common citizens of the Tempest Federation. Are we really allowed to stay in such luxurious rooms?" Takt questioned

"Don't feel so constrained! This is a token of appreciation from Lubelius for your performance later on, so don't be nervous!" I assured him and the band members

In contrast to them, the children were all relaxed and eating happily. Eden, Kosma, and Vill-V were similarly eating in a relaxed manner. While Eden and Kosma were here to perform as well, Vill-V was simply here to maintain the condition of the instruments in case there were any incidents that happened to them on the way over or during rehearsal. Soon, the banquet ended and everyone retreated to their rooms to rest for the night. I never really needed sleep nor felt sleepy in any sense, so I was gazing at the night sky through the window when my attention was drawn to the knocking on my door as I made my way to open it.

"My apologies for disturbing Your Majesty at this hour, but our master would like to invite Your Majesty Rimuru to join her. Is it convenient for you to convene?"

Ah, this one is a Surmounter that serves Luminas...

"Of course. I'll be there soon."

I brought Shion and Diablo with me as the maid guided us to the venue.

"Long time no see, Rimuru. I see that you did not bring that evil dragon with you, that's commendable." Luminas praises me as soon as we entered

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