Side Story: Fire and Flare

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Benimaru POV

I didn't like the man from the moment he appeared. Something about him just rubbed me the wrong way and the feeling became worse when he disrespected our Lady from the moment he woke up. Just thinking back about it makes me infuriated.


Lady Rimuru's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I quickly responded to her call, "Ah, yes, my Lady?" 

"You were spacing out. Is something the matter?" Lady Rimuru asks, tilting her head curiously at me

Oh, right... We were in the middle of some military affairs discussion.

"No, it's nothing big. I was just lost in some thoughts. Anyway, about the Green Numbers..." I quickly changed the subject back to our original topic

Despite her questioning and confused look, she decides to continue listening to me while I continued my report. With her approval, I bowed to her in thanks and stood up to leave her office.

"Wait, Benimaru." She suddenly calls and I paused nervously

Crap... She's never called me by my full name for a long time. Did she...

"Something really is bothering you. I can tell. Sit back down."

I did as ordered and sat back down while she continued to stare at me.

"What is it, Benimaru? It's rare for you to be bothered by something." She questioned again, cupping her chin on both of her hands, resting the elbows on her lap

"It really is not a big deal, my Lady!" I exclaimed, waving my hands in front of me

"You can't lie to me!" She huffs, looking at me before I see her eyes flicker with realization, "It can't be... Are you thinking about Kalpas?"

So she found out...

I let out a sigh at her question.

"Did he bother you or something? Tell me what he did and I'll do something about it!" She insisted

"No, my Lady! I just think... That man is dangerous! Because of him, Charybdis became a formidable foe! And he didn't even show you a single speck of respect after you saved him!" I finally ranted to her

"Oh, is that why you're so bothered? That's just how he is! He acts all huffy but if you get to know him better, you can actually see that he never meant any harm. Learn to accept him first, Beni! As the Samurai General, all potential forces for the military will be looked out for, right?"

"You mean..."

"He's quite a fighter and he needs to let off some steam once in awhile! I think military duties can help out with that! But I do hope that we wouldn't have to deploy an army for anything..." She mutters with a thoughtful sigh

I gave her words some thought and finally nodded, "I understand, my Lady. I'll try to get to know him better. Please excuse me now. I have some things to attend to."

"Mm, sure!"

She waved me off as I closed the door to her office and made my way out of the Central Office.

How am I supposed to talk to someone like that...?

I looked down at my shadow and without any calls, Souei came out of it.

"If you're looking for that Kalpas person, he should be in the school building."

"W... Why the school? He's working there?!" I gasped

Souei nods at my query, "Yes. Apparently, he had been assigned there as his work here."

There are children there! No, I have to go inspect this!

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