New Problem

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Rimuru POV

During last night's dinner, everyone agreed that I would take care of Milim for the duration of her stay since she seems to like me a lot. I don't mind at all! She may be a little rowdy but that is part of being a child, after all! And besides...

Best friend... My first in this world...


"Good morning, Milim! Breakfast already arrived while you were washing your face." I said while gesturing to the plate of breakfast opposite me


She sits down and gobbles down her food. Today's menu was imitation bread with fruit jam, vegetable soup, and milk from Bulldeers.

"Milim. I'll be a little busy today, so why don't I bring you to Shuna-chan's production workshop today? She has a lot of cute clothes that you might like!" I suggested

"Really?! I'll go!"

I nod and continued eating my breakfast. When we had both finished our breakfast, I brought Milim over to Shuna's production workshop before leaving for the Sealed Cave where Gabiru and the other Dragonewts were living in to produce potions. There had been an addition to the research team about a few days ago. King Gazel had returned to the town to drop off something two days after we signed the pact. I even brought Kaijin with me today.

"Hi! How is the work going, Vesta?" I greeted our Head Researcher

"Rimuru-dono, Kaijin. I'm honored by your presence." He greets back

That's right! It's none other than the ex-Minister Vesta! King Gazel told me that he didn't want a talented man like him to idle away and brought him here since he doesn't want Vesta serving him again. He apologized profusely for an entire hour before I could finally stop him. Now, he has his own research lab to produce Full Potions alongside Gabiru.

"This is the latest version of my healing potion. What do you think, my Lady...?" Vesta carefully asks as he places a bottle in front of me

How does it look, Great Sage-san?

<Report. This potion is equal to a Full Potion.>

"Mm! Congratulations, Vesta! This is definitely a Full Potion! You made it!" I praised

Gabiru cheers while Kaijin gives Vesta a friendly fist bump for the hard work he had put in to make it work. Really, you wouldn't even be able to tell that they had a bad past before. They now look like really good friends.

Maybe very, very good friends... They are chatting rather happily...

"Then I'll be taking my leave first." I informed them

I walked out of the cave and stepped on a magic circle. Apparently, it's called a 'Warp Portal' and it teleports people from location to location instantly.

This is really convenient! Now, I'll have to hurry and return to Milim!

But before I could, I saw a pillar of black flames burst up into the air. I immediately let out my wings and flew over to the town. Landing, I noticed a crowd gathering around something.



"What happened?" I asked while he knelt to me

"I'm very sorry for not contacting you sooner. We sensed that something has penetrated our security net... Upon rushing to the scene, we found multiple Majin in the town square. The leader talked about the town being a perfect place for Demon Lord Carrion to rule. As soon as Rigurd replied to him..." Souei hesitates

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