Passing Days

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Rimuru POV

More than a month has passed ever since that day. As she was still the Princess of the Kingdom of Siltrosso, we secretly contacted the kingdom to inform them of the incident in the ruins. As both nations do not want the news of the Princess attacking us to come out in the open, we agreed to regard the matter as an 'accident'. So we reached an agreement and did not escalate things further.

Still, the King and Queen of Siltrosso were cruel and ruthless as well. To think this was their only reaction to their daughter's death... If Mariabell had the chance to lead a happy life as a naive child, could her life have turned out differently?

I sighed heavily, shaking those thoughts out of my head. It was over and there was nothing I could do for her now.

Now... Granbell Rosso, the head of the Five Great Elders and leader of the Rosso family. He was the one who instigated Mariabell, so I thought that he may have some plan to go against us again but for this one month, he hasn't made a move yet. I suppose it's to keep a low profile so that no one would notice the illegal acts that he was doing in the background.

Breaking out of these thoughts, my attention is now turned to the early afternoon meeting that I am having with my executives now. It was related to the Western Council. From what we understand, the Council played a major role in directing the decisions of the Western Nations. From there, the councilors of each nation would cast votes on whether a motion was passed or not. Since we had learned the weakness of each nation inside the Council, our councilor would have to become the mediator. Since our influence in the Western Nations was growing, complaints and petitions from other countries also increased.

Hah... It's no wonder the other Demon Lords weren't interested in territories. Being a ruler is no easy task! Tempest is now the largest faction in the Council, so we should behave accordingly. Even if opposing organizations are contained right now, there's no telling when they will start rising again. We need someone socially adept and possesses a certain level of charisma. Then when conflicts arise, they need to be intimidating enough to keep them from talking back...

"Unfortunately, I will need to turn down this task." I started with those words

Beni nods and talked next, "Me neither. The last meeting made me realize that my personality is not suited for trying to probe other people. When I am not on the battlefield where my martial prowess can be displayed. I won't be of much use."

"My duty is to collect information. As the 'eyes and ears' of Rimuru-sama, I'm afraid I can't abandon my position right now."

Mm. That's true on Souei's part. As for Beni, he would find those sly foxes to be too troublesome to deal with, and I understand where he is coming from. Geld cannot take on the role either with so many construction projects underway. So...

"I refuse. Don't look at me. I hate dealing with sly old foxes." Mobius snapped just as I laid my eyes on her

... Yup, as expected. Mobius hated meetings in the past and she would probably hate dealing with those people.

"Hey, I can deal with those old foxes, no problem!" Feiyun volunteered with a grin

How surprising. After the last meeting, I thought she would refuse to return there.

"No way." Iris interjected with a rare annoyed expression on her face, "She's too childish, Lady Mother."

"Who the hell are you calling 'childish'?! You're the kid here!" Feiyun countered with a snarl

Iris stared at her with the same annoyed look on her face, "When we left you in the labyrinth research labs to keep a close eye on the activities of the research crew from Lubelius, you somehow managed to adjust their cognition of you. For five minutes, they were worshipping the 'Great Lady Herrscher of Sentience or Cognizance'. I kept that a secret from Lady Mother to not give her more headaches, but I must say this now to stop you."

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