The Unavoidable Battle

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Rimuru POV

I greeted the next morning with a nervous heart as I could finally make my way back into Tempest, but only for a potential battle awaiting me. Stepping into my office with Mei and Veldora, I sat at my table as my executives gathered inside my office one by one.

"Beni, has Shion-chan and the Yomigaeri been deployed already?" I asked

"Yes. They are currently out in the forest, waiting to ambush the incoming Crusaders." Beni replies

"I see."

<Notice. The individual Hinata Sakaguchi is currently sending out magic communication to someone. Interfere it? Yes/No?>

A communication? Is it for backup? Or is it for the Crusaders? Or...

"I've just received a report. Shion and the Yomigaeri have engaged in battle with the Crusaders." Souei's timely report came in

... Interfere it.


I sighed under my breath and stood up, changing out of my casual gown into my combat attire. Those who will be going to Hinata's group with me are Beni, Souei, Sakura and Mei.

"I didn't want to do this, but they've forced us to make a move. I'll be dealing with Hinata personally. I'll leave the Ten Great Saints to the rest of you. Let's go." I commanded

"""Yes, ma'am!"""

Using <Spatial Transportation>, I teleported everyone near the road where Hinata's group was approaching, looking at the direction of the forest where Shion and the Yomigaeri were battling the Crusaders.


Third Person POV

The battle between the Crusaders and the Yomigaeri in the forest was growing intense as the continuous recovery of the members of the Yomigaeri were throwing the Crusaders off, not knowing what was happening. Seeing the possible leaders in the group, Shion jumps in with a crash on the ground. Leonard of 'Light' and Garde of 'Fire' put their guards up upon seeing her presence.

"Demon Lord Rimuru... No. How could a mere subordinate exude such a strong aura...!" Leonard gasped in his thoughts

"My name is Shion. I am Rimuru-sama's number one Secretary. Now, you people, Rimuru-sama said this: Choose between 'compliance' or 'death'. If you understand, put down your weapons and surrender." Shion commanded, piercing her odachi to the ground

Leonard scoffs at her command, "I understand, but my answer is... this. Spread out!"

On his order, the Holy Knights around them surrounded Shion while she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Deploy the Holy Field on the target!"

After surrounding Shion, the Holy Field was deployed successfully.

"Compliance or death, eh? Kijin... No, a race above that. A... Mystic Oni, huh? You sure talk big for a mere monster." Garde scoffs, trying to analyze Shion's strength

"Close, but you're wrong. Benimaru and Souei, whom are fighting your comrades, are Mystic Oni. But I believe I evolved in a slightly different direction." Shion grins wickedly in accordance with her next words, "I'm a Wicked Oni. So I'm not as gentle as you may think."

"Whether you're a Wicked Oni or a local deity doesn't matter. Our God is the one and only Luminas-sama!" Leonard declares

Shion scoffs without a care, "I don't care about your God. But more importantly, answer my question."

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