The Seraphs of Old

969 49 25

Third Person POV

During all this, the Control Room was in a small uproar as they noticed the tides of the battle in the labyrinth beginning to change.

"Iris-dono's existence value is still rising! It has crossed the million-threshold!" Delta reported

However, before anyone could sigh in relief, Alpha gave another alarming report, "Emergency report! New enemies have emerged on the surface! Two of them! We cannot measure their existence values accurately because they're outside the labyrinth, but we estimate their numbers to be over a million at the very least!"

Another screen appeared and enlarged the image for them to see two Fallen Angels with black wings. One is a muscular female warrior and a small beautiful girl with three pairs of black wings.

"Are you kidding me?! They have the same number of wings, which means these guys are also seraphim... Alpha-chan! How can you be so sure that they're the enemy? Maybe they-"

Alpha cuts Ramiris off with a grave reply, "It's because those two are preventing us from recovering the hole that Velgrynd-sama made. As soon as the labyrinth is closed, our victory is confirmed... so it's unlikely."

Ramiris stopped flying around and sat on Beretta's shoulder, "Oh, that's right. Thank you..."

"Leave the surface grounds to me. The city that bears the name that Rimuru-sama cherishes will not easily be destroyed." A voice declared confidently

It was the newly awakened Barrier Lord, Geld.


"Geld-sama's existence value is over 2.37 million! I've added up all of his equipment, and I'm sure he'll be a match for any intruder!" Delta announced excitedly

The legendary-grade equipment that Geld had been given had also reached the Mythical-grade while he was evolving due to his evolving aura.

"That's Rimuru for you, even with my eyes, I couldn't have foreseen this development!" Ramiris said with great joy

"That's right. What a terrifying plan." Beretta agreed immediately

"I am here too. The other enemy will be my prey." Another voice declared

It was the Chimera Lord, Kumara. She had also awakened from her sleeping evolution and was ready to join the fight.

"Kumara-sama's existence value is measured to be around 1.9 million. Without any special equipment, to have such a value, the enemy is no longer a threat!" Alpha reported

"Now we can win this!" Ramiris cheered

Beretta sighed in relief, "It looks like we are going to be okay for the time being."

The tension in the Control Room slowly relaxed as soon as Ramiris was calm again. Shinji was calm from the beginning but was mostly thinking unnecessary thoughts, that was why he could notice when the laziest person in the room suddenly stood up and that his usually serious boss, Vesta, was lying asleep on the table.

"Huh? Dino-san, what are you doing...?" Shinji asks out of curiosity

Though it was just one question, it was a crucial play that Shinji had unconsciously made that changed the situation for everyone. Dino knew his plan was messed up when Shinji spoke to him. He thought that no one would seen him moving. Beretta was quick to grab Ramiris away from his outstretched hand.

"What do you think you're doing, Dino-sama?" Beretta asks

"I'm honestly surprised. I didn't expect to be interrupted. Good grief, I was so wary because of your presence, and was looking for an opportunity to relax." Dino then turned to Shinji to complain, "Give me a break, Shinji. You've got all the makings of a big shot."

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