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Rimuru POV

I ran through an unfamiliar hallway, searching for somewhere I could escape. Behind me, I heard a few running footsteps, calling a distorted name, but I kept running until I arrived at a garden, the moonlight shining down on me as I finally slowed to catch my breath when I lost the people chasing me.

"Okay, Old Timer... I don't think they can find us here for now. Where should we go...?" I suddenly spoke in an unfamiliar voice


"What? No, we can't do that! Don't be stupid! I won't let you!" I responded to the silent voice in my head as if someone had spoken to me

{...? ...}

"I know, I know! But you saw them! Something is too fishy with this place! Staying here any longer will implicate the both of us!" I whispered harshly


I let out a gasp as I hear a click behind me. Turning my head, I feel a cold metal pressing on my forehead. A shadowed man is holding this gun and was ready to shoot.

"Tch! So you found me? What? Are you trying to 'save' this girl too, huh? Let me tell you, it's too late. Now this body of hers belongs to me! Do you really think you can take it back without killing her? Come on then!" I taunted the man 

Despite being unable to see the man's face, I could somehow feel the cold glare on his face as he was challenged to shoot. Hearing the clicking of the gun again, I knew he was not going to hesitate.

I need to run now before-


Suddenly, a throbbing headache hits me and I winced in pain, holding my head in both hands.

"What are you...?! Stop it...! Stop...! Do you really think I will let you...?! You...!" I yelled out at the voice in my head

Then I could finally hear a clear, resolute voice, {I'm sorry, Senti. I will use whatever power I have to convert your consciousness into a feather, but you have to forget for now. Forget about me, about us. You must go to that place.}

What place? Wait, what are you doing?!

{I'm very sorry.}

I could hear the rattling of chains before they shattered. My mind blanks out and I was left to drift. There was nothing here.

What was I doing? Who am I? What am I...? What is...? There's an odd warmth.

In front of this nothingness, there was a single light shining and I reached my hand out to it.

Just a little more...


"Hey! Wake up!"

Due to someone very roughly shaking me, my eyes finally snapped open and I let out a gasp when I finally woke up, back in my own body. In front of me was the person that shook me. Her appearance...

"Hua? No... You are... Senti?" I noted, narrowing my eyes at her

Her eyes widened as she asked me an odd question, "'Senti'? What a weird name. But hey, you actually know me?"

I nod. She looked exactly the same in Mei's memories. She scratched the back of her head in frustration before finally turning back.

"Never mind, we will talk about that later. Right now, I have to win against that."

I looked over to see the entity from before. Although it was cloaked in black, there were some recognizable features that belonged to Senti.

"So that's your body, huh? Will you be okay fighting it?" I asked

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