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Rimuru POV

Now it was the second day of the reception ceremony. Apparently, we are starting off with the stronger species, the most powerful ones among the newcomers. I could tell they were coming since there was already a commotion outside.

<The Gozu and Mezu tribes have been engaged in perpetual battles against each other for over a hundred years, never reaching any reconciliation.>

So they are like... warring tribes? That's not good.

The conflict this time was to determine who gets to come in for the reception first.

"Shall I discipline them?" Aponia asks from behind me

"Not yet. If a fight breaks out, then I'll have to leave them to you." I whispered back

She gives me a nod and returns to Keith's side again as the two tribe leaders come forward, pushing each other aside as the one from the Gozu tribe was the first to speak.

"Yo, Demon Lord-sama, we will be of real use on the battlefield! With us Gozu tribe in your alliance, we can definitely stand tall in this forest! If we eliminate those weaklings from the Mezu tribe, no other race in this forest can stand against us!"

<Compared to the pre-evolved Ogre and Lizardmen, the Gozu and Mezu tribe have higher magicule count, putting them on Rank A.>

As expected of warring tribes... They have the strength to back up their conflict of a hundred years.

This time, it was the leader of the Mezu tribe who spoke, "Hmph, bunch of fools! If you are a Demon Lord, surely you have a grander vision. So do not hesitate and collaborate with us Mezu tribe. Let us slaughter not only these Gozu, but any monster who dares to defy us."

Still, they are too prideful... Even the rabbitmen had known better... If they could get along better, I was planning to give them roles in the labyrinth as boss monsters. But...

Seeing these two continue their argument in front of us was a little displeasing, especially to Shuna and Shion, who were inwardly seething at the disrespect they were showing in front of me.

I can use <Demon Lord Haki> to get them to settle down and properly pledge allegiance, but unfortunately, with prideful beings like them, some intimidation usually flies over their heads.

"You punks, how dare you act so rude in front of our Queen. I, Rigurd, shall show you all your places!" Rigurd declares, his muscles pumping in accordance with his anger

Despite all of his work, I am actually well aware of Rigurd's slightly aggressive side. He volunteered to battle against the Holy Knights last time and he could outperform the younger ones like Gobta and Rigur, so I am quite sure he could beat these two tribe leaders.

"What did you say? How can a mere civil official be so pompous!"

"You're just a lackey of some weakling Demon Lord, quit bluffing now!"

Now the young ones behind them were following their lead.

Mm... I guess it was unavoidable, huh? They live to fight, after all. I could have Aponia use Discipline on them, though, but maybe a small lesson- Hm?

The small argument immediately ceased when an imposing presence could be felt shattering the <Barrier> that Shuna had put around the town. Then there were auras belonging to pretty powerful Majins with large magicule pools. Since it was hostility being emitted, they did not come here in peace, even the Gozu and Mezu tribes were pale after feeling the auras.

"S-Such power..."

"Hold up, hold up, hold up now. Demon Lord-sama, could it be that other Demon Lords have invaded...?"

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