The Divine Key

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Third Person POV

Diablo teleported to the wasteland outside of Lubelius and a familiar blue-haired maid was waiting for him. It was Raine, and several Holy Knights laid by her feet.

"Long time no see, Noir. I was getting impatient since you've taken your time getting here." Raine said with a serene smile

"I could feel such a fierce killing intent, it's just that I couldn't withdraw myself for a few minutes until now. By the way, please call me Diablo, Blue Primordial- excuse me, you've already gotten the name Raine." Diablo remarked with slight sarcasm

Raine smiled in satisfaction, "Indeed, the strongest of us Primordials, Red Primordial, the great Guy-sama has given me the name, unlike the name given to you by some cheap shot Demon Lord of unknown origin."

"Huh? Do you have a death wish? Actually, you are asking to disappear from this world, no? Kufufufu, allow me to grant you your wish." Diablo smiled eerily as his narrowed pupils locked in on Raine as his target

"Let's go then, Diablo! Ah, how exciting. Ever since I learned that you fought against the White Primordial on the Eastern continent, I wanted to duel you."

Diablo frowned, "How boring. If you think you are qualified to fight against me, you are sorely mistaken."

"Let's confirm that after our battle!"

Thus, the battle between the two Primordials began. Raine fired magic missiles at Diablo from her fist, the missiles bent the world's rules and turned them into the nuclear magic <Nuclear Cannon>. This was all done without chanting. Diablo, on the other hand, had already expected this and was calmly dispelling those strike easily with layers of magic barriers along with counterattack techniques applied. This was a battle between high level Demons and no time was wasted on chanting. And yet, the victor was already decided in a few minutes.

"U-Unbelievable! D-Did you manage to draw that while fighting with me?" Raine gasped in disbelief

"Indeed, Raine. Fighting you is like doing paperwork, a fight in which I could see the outcome is so boring, that it's not even entertaining as a game." Diablo scoffed as multiple layers of magic circles formed by glowing mantras surrounding Raine

"T-This is multi-stage <Disintegration>...! B-But that spell is a hard counter to Demons and is extremely dangerous. You could end up dying using it, why would you use that?!"

Diablo glared coldly at Raine, "How boring. If your faith in your master is strong enough, you can even control spiritrons. It's common sense."

"Are you out of your mind?! What kind of common sense is that...?!"

"Doesn't matter. It's time to send you on your way. I shall let you suffer the most painful death for foolishly daring to insult my beautiful master, Rimuru-sama. Reflect well on your crime now."

Seven beams of light viciously fired down on Raine with even one beam had a force capable of defying any means of countering. The multi-stage <Disintegration> broke through Raine's defenses and the last beam pierced through her chest.

"Kufufufu, how weak. Fighting you felt more boring than Testarossa before she evolved." Diablo chuckled


"That's none of your business. Compared to that, why have you come here? Tell me the reason." Diablo asked arrogantly

"Do you honestly think I'd...?!"

Diablo sighed under his breath. While he does want to return to fight the fully evolved Insectar, Razul, Rimuru had already left Vill-V to assist Shion and he does not doubt in hers or Shion's abilities. After all, one was a Flame-chaser and the other was capable of turning things in her favor if her will was strong enough. Diablo also thought that Rimuru was simply letting Shion gain experience in fighting an opponent stronger than her, although that had been a big misunderstanding. In fact, Rimuru simply found him being troubled and wanted him to clear those troubles in his mind, it was that simple. But for a battle maniac like Diablo, he simply dived into a realm of misunderstandings.

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