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Third Person POV

Benimaru shoots up from his seat after seeing Kevin's appearance and quickly whips his head to Souei.

"Souei! Get whoever is still awake! We are moving-"

"Stop right there!" Feiyun cuts him off and gets him to sit again, "Calm down and look!"


The sound of weapons clashing resounded as they whipped their heads back to the screen, seeing Rimuru's sudden appearance and attacking Kevin from behind.


Feiyun heaved a sigh of relief, "... She really loves surprises. Well, it's reasonable since she's going against that Kevin..."

Looking at the screen again, she bit the inside of her cheek, "... But it's too odd. Where's Old Timer and Su? Of all people, Kevin would have been the last person to send out... He's a lure, and yet..."

She gave everything some thought before shaking her head, unable to come up with a concrete reason, and turned back to the screen once again. This time, Kevin had now used the power of Deliverance and the small power of the Authority of Finality he had to fight.

"He had that much power...?" Bonnie gasped

"Shit... He's really pulling all stops this time..." Feiyun gritted her teeth, "I never expected this either... But against the one who carries Origin, he can't even stand a chance, especially with suppressed power."

"What should we do?" Hakurou finally asked

"Just keep watching. She's not a pushover and she won't lose to something like this." Feiyun assured him

As they quietly watched the intense battle happening outside, Feiyun crossed her arms, sensing something happening inside the labyrinth.

"... I have somewhere to be. Don't worry about her, she'll be okay."

After giving everyone in the room those words of reassurance, Feiyun teleported somewhere while the tension in the room remained.


In the Control Room, Veldora calmed down after seeing Rimuru fighting Kevin with ease and turned back to Elle and Keith.

"You said her 'door' was sealed?" He asked again as the two nodded in confirmation, "... Bring me there. Ramiris, you stay here with the others."


"What will you be doing, Iris?" Veldora asked while looking at the Primordial Herrscher

She took a glance back at him, "I will remain here to keep an eye on the situation. If anything begins to escalate, I will contact you."


With those words, he leaves the Control Room with Elle and Keith as they lead him to the 'door' which had been greyed out and covered with vines as Elle had said.

"The seal completely blocks off any sort of power..." Elle quickly explained

"Aponia, the children, and the other Flame-chasers are inside too, so I'm really worried." Keith added, a worried frown on his face, "Furthermore, if it's sealed this way, isn't Rimuru-sama unable to bring out most of her powers?"

"That's correct." A voice interjected

They turned their heads to see Iris standing there as a wavering projection.

"This is just a part of my power to transmit my words as a hologram." She explained briefly before looking at the 'door', "I have a good idea why she did this too. The situation outside is getting worse in terms of her fight."

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