Attack of the Ex-Hero

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Rimuru POV

A sunny morning greets us on the third day of our stay in Lubelius. It was peaceful, at least, it once was peaceful...

"Th-This is a disaster! Someone has broken into the Grand Cathedral and currently being fought against-"

The Holy Knight that barged into the dining room I was having breakfast with Hinata was in a panic. On the other hand, Hinata was calm as she asked him...

"Calm down. How many men do the enemies have, how many casualties have we sustained?"

"Yes, ma'am! Enemy numbers are unknown, however, it's certain that it is close to a hundred men. They're at least as strong as Rank B+. Seeing how they were acting, they know the layout of our nation very well." The Holy Knight saluted and reported

A hundred Rank B+ soldiers that knows the layout of the nation well. Those are most likely Granbell's men.

"Regarding casualties, several novice knights were injured. There have been several deaths and wounded among the Pope's Imperial Guards. Fortunately, no civilians have been harmed."

Woah, woah! I would have personally freaked out just hearing that if that happened in Tempest. How can Hinata be this calm...?

"Is that so? Then our enemy must be the head of the Seven Luminaries, Sun Priest Gran, and the Rosso family under his command. We must not underestimate these enemies, I'm sure their combat strength is far greater than they let on. Inform the Holy Knights awaiting orders to prepare for a full-scale assault." Hinata calmly commanded them

That was when a realization hit me, "Wait, you said that the attack happened at the Grand Cathedral, isn't that where we have all the instruments set up?"

"Yeah. There's no other facility called the Grand Cathedral except for that." Hinata answered

I turned to Diablo but he gave me a reassuring smile, seemingly communicating with Venom through <Telepathy Net>. He is very competent, as expected!


"Hey there, Elysia! You are worried about the commotion outside, right? Worry not, I am around, so none of the band members will be in danger! Eden and Kosma said the same thing too!"

Hehe, I knew I could count on you guys! Stay undercover for now. If the demons that Diablo called are struggling, help them out. I don't want Eden and Kosma's first concert outside of Tempest to be interrupted by this!

"Leave it to me!"

I then turned my attention to Hinata, "Let's not just stay idle here, we need to head over too." 

I opened a portal to the Grand Cathedral using <Spatial Domination> and Hinata could only huff.

"I don't even have the energy to mock you, just take me there too."

She seemed a little tired but I think it was just from being exhausted from looking at my feats.

Hehe, sorry for being this surprising, Hinata~

The High Cardinal of the Church, who had been preparing breakfast for us, Nikolaus, also followed us. Either way, I had another worry in my mind. I had let the energetic children go to the Grand Cathedral first, so I was rather worried about them being affected by the attack too. Griseo and Kumara were around too, but we can never be too careful. With that thought, we made our way through the portal to the Grand Cathedral.


When we arrived, an intense fight could be heard coming from the outside, and we quickly spotted the frightened band members, who were being consoled by Kosma and Eden.

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