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Rimuru POV

As soon as Hinata left, Masayuki also had to take his leave to see his teammates so Iris brought him out of the labyrinth before returning to us again.

"So, Adalman-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the expressive wight was still kneeling on the ground with his surprisingly expressive eyes gazing at me with reverence.

I'm starting to see a pattern here...

"Hey, snap out of it." Mobius clicked her fingers in front of him


Adalman immediately stands up upon seeing us looking at him and I decided to begin speaking.

"Adalman, don't worry about what happened back then. Our planning was just a little insufficient back then. Having you go up against the Holy Knight Order alone was our fault, so your failure was understandable." I began

Adalman shakes his head upon hearing that, "No, I can only lament my inadequacies. My opponents were very experienced as well... Yet I resorted to the tactics I used when I was still the wight king. I lost before I could even cast a single spell."

"It's good that you know the extent of your strength. So I have a question for you. To what extent can you use 'Holy Magic'?" I asked him

Holy Magic was the power of faith. It doesn't require any concentration in the magicule in the air, nor was it bound by the amount of magicule one possessed. It just requires more preparation, as long as one possessed the knowledge and sufficient time to chant, with that, one could cast any kind of grand spells at little cost. But it was limited to those who 'Have formed a pact with God.' The 'God', in this sense, referred to people who can manipulate 'spiritrons,' the special particles that magicules consisted of.

In other words, it doesn't have to be someone that became a 'God' in concept. Anyone who can manipulate 'spiritrons' directly can be considered a 'God'. Just like how Luminism is, with Luminas as the 'God'! I heard that Adalman was a fanatic follower of Luminism and his faith hadn't shaken even after becoming a monster, that was why he could cast <Disintegration>. But ever since he lost faith in Luminas, he has turned to worship me as his God, so I guess his 'pact with God' no longer applied and that was why he could no longer use 'Holy Magic'.

"I have become incapable of using nearly all of my magic. As it stands, even using lesser magic spells escapes me." Adalman's answer did not surprise me

"Then I will ask Shuna-chan the same question. To what extent can you use 'Holy Magic' and who did you put your faith in?" I asked the Oni

"For me, technically speaking, I use it differently from 'Holy Magic'. I only emulated it by using my Unique Skill <Analyst>. It worked surprisingly well." Shuna answered with an embarrassed smile, "And my faith lies in Rimuru-sama. I believe in your strength from the bottom of my heart. So I thought that I would also be able to do it."

"Ah? So during our battle, your claim that even monsters could use 'Holy Magic' was actually...?" Adalman trailed off

"It was a bluff. Even though I was confident, you were the one who actually proved it." Shuna replied with a giggle

Adalman's jaw dropped, figuratively, upon hearing that.

Wow, Shuna-chan... She managed to imitate complex magic like that with just her Unique Skill! Amazing!

"Then I want to bestow you two the 'Ultimate Secret of Faith and Grace'. Luminas taught me this not too long ago, and it's an absolute secret! Please don't leak it, everyone!" I said, giving the people in the room a glance, especially Veldora, who nodded immediately upon seeing my stare

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