All about Skills (Kevin, Su, Hua)

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The glass between 'you' and them shattered as Elysia was there for the last time to greet 'you' with the final three Flame-chasers that reunited with her not too long ago. They had finally awakened from their evolutionary sleep and were immediately invited by Elysia.

"Hi~ We're finally back here! We have been quite busy lately, so we took awhile to come back!" Elysia explained with a giggle before motioning to the three, "Say hello to everyone!"

Su nods in acknowledgment to 'you', "Hello. I suppose it is more appropriate to say 'Nice to meet you', at this point. Elysia briefed us about what was going on here so things should go smoothly."

"I heard that Feiyun and Iris were here first. Did she cause any trouble, Elysia?" Hua asks

"No, not at all!" Elysia replied with a chuckle, "She was a good girl, so you don't have to worry about her!"

"... I see."

"Well, we're just here to talk about our skills, right?" Kevin asked and Elysia nodded in confirmation, "Ah, then that's fine. MEI told me that we should head out for a lunch date later."

Hearing this, Su and Hua could only sigh in exasperation. Ever since the two reunited, they rarely left each other's side from what they knew.

"It's like Kevin and Dr. MEI are having their honeymoon!" Elysia mused happily, "It won't take too long, don't worry~"

"They aren't even officially married yet..." Su muttered

"Speaking of marriage, I heard that someone here is interested in Hua's marriage~" Elysia chimed in, looking at 'your' direction cheekily

Hua flinched, the faintest color of red on her cheeks, "Eh? My marriage?"

Kevin's brows furrowed, "What are they talking about? That's ridiculous. Hua and Kondou only knew each other for two years."

Su's mouth curves into a frown, "I still cannot accept that man calling me his 'brother-in-law'. It was an awkward time we had with each other during the time we were in the Empire."

"Feiyun threw a fit too... We can't forget that she even punched him." Elysia said with a scratch of her cheek, "Though that was for a different reason..."

"I welcome her to do it again. That man needs a reality check for once, being controlled for years without knowing." Kevin huffed

Su nods along, "I agree."

Elysia sweat dropped slightly, "You two are being a little mean to the poor man, don't you think...?"

Hua lets out a resigned sigh, "... Should we just move on before they really have any intentions of actually hurting Kondou? Feiyun aside, I don't think I can do anything if Kevin is added to the mix."

Elysia immediately nods in agreement, "Let's do that! We will see Su's status first!"

After announcing this, Ciel puts his status up on the screen.

[Name: Su (EP: 4,012,739 (+ "Divine Key - Seed of Sumeru" 1,450,000))

Race: Divine Peacock

Title: Flame-chaser of Bodhi

Magic: <Wind Magic>

Skill: Ultimate Skill "Ameliorate King, Mahamayuri" - <Thought Acceleration>, <Multilayer Barrier>, <Physical Attack Nullification>, <Mental Attack Nullification>, <Natural Effects Resistance>, <Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance>, <ICHOR>, <Serene Bodhi>, <Surgical Application>, <Observer's Sanctuary>

Intrinsic Skills: <Universal Detect>, <Thought Communication>, <Analyze and Assess>]

"Peacock, huh...?" Su sighs heavily, "I was fine with the Griffin part of it but it went back to this because of Mahamayuri's genes, huh?"

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