As the Storm calms

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Rimuru POV

Now that we were up on the hill, I summarized a part of Diablo's report in my thoughts.

So... he showed that weird lump of meat that was Edmalis to an audience of nobles with the help of Razen...

"Huh? So that really was the case? That man called Razen possessed the body of the Otherworlder called Shogo?" I repeated his words to confirm

"That is correct."

"I heard that he's a legendary wizard of Falmuth. He's following your orders now?"

"Yes. As the head of the Royal Court Mages, he is the perfect individual to persuade the leaders and so I put him up to that task. After all, it was also his proposal." Diablo says with a grin

I wonder what happened... It's a good thing but it's still a wonder why he gave in to Diablo so easily. Maybe I should just leave it at that.

Continuing his narration, Razen had told the nobles about the false narrative of Veldora's resurrection and how Edmalis, Rayheim, and he were saved from Veldora's destruction by me, although the army was already gone as a result. As the bridge between us and Falmuth, Youm stepped in with Diablo with a potion that I gave him after he had 'persuaded' me to save Edmalis from his... lumpy state. He further goes on, saying that I was the only one who could quell Veldora's rage. One noble who had refused to listen to Youm was frozen in a block of ice by Razen to quell Diablo's anger after he had offended me. Keeping up the pretense, Diablo used the potion on Edmalis, while actually using a skill, restoring him to his original form, and proceeded to read out a message he had written himself, saying that it was from me. These were the three conditions laid out to them:

One: The King abdicates and pays for war reparations

Two: Submit to Tempest and become a vassal state

Three: Continue the war

Although some nobles in the room rejected the choices laid out for them, it seems like Diablo had used some 'kind' coercion on them.

"-and that's how I threw them into disarray." Diablo finishes his recount with a refreshing smile

"I guess... You did show them that box..." I hesitated, remembering the contents

"Yes. I found that it was the best way to instill fear." Diablo smiles brightly at me

I guess the image I wanted to maintain just disappeared at that moment... Oh well...

I noticed Kosma looking back at me with hesitation in his eyes.

"..." (I'm not sure if I should say this, but this man is dangerous and very crazy. But if I say it out loud, he may get offended.)

I gave him a small smile of assurance and he returned to looking at what Griseo was doing. I hear a proud huff from Shion, who was braiding the left side of my hair. The veil had been removed and floated with the bells beside me to allow her to do so. I had some thoughts as I continued to weave the flowers in my hands.

If these are the conditions for peace, then I don't have any choice but to accept reality. After all, they asked for it when they decided to invade my nation.

"As for the peace stipulations, we demand ten thousand star gold coins as reparations." Diablo adds, much to my shock

"But that means that the country will go bankrupt...!"

"Kufufufu. No worries. They have no choice but to pay the reparations. Naturally, they do not have the ability to continue the war and on top of that, the nobles cannot accept becoming a vassal state."

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