Side Story: The Lonesome Snake

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Mobius POV

When the realm burned into nothing, I thought it was all over, but when I opened my eyes, I was alone in a solemn mountain cave with all memories from reality and the realm intact, except for the ones lost to regression. I struggled to adapt at first, but with my Unique Skill <Technician>, I was able to analyze and experiment with different materials around me. Somehow I managed to survive for that long alone, but that is all there was to it. I was alone, in a completely new world, with no one I knew, traveling from place to place until I settled to live in a small village temporarily for survival. It continued for almost two years until I encountered a researcher from the Dwarven Kingdom. They brought me in after seeing my skills at work and in their lab, there were interesting materials but it was never enough to satisfy me. Until that day... There had been a commotion about a ruler from a new nation coming, but I didn't bother about it since it didn't concern me. So it was a shock to me when I was personally called by the King to work under that new ruler as a researcher.

Hmph. I guess no one likes a wretched snake around them anyway. They should never have taken me here if that's the case.

On the day I had to leave, I was set to meet the ruler in a carriage. I entered without care but who I saw inside was a familiar face.


"It's been awhile, Mobius." She greeted me

Opposite her was a silver blue-haired girl with golden eyes and pink pupils, grinning ear to ear as she looks at me. A feeling inside of me pulsated after a long time of not using that power.

My Signet... It's reacting to her.

The carriage begins moving and as soon as we were out of the gates of Dwargon, the girl relaxes her shoulders.

"Goodness! All of that formality is tiring!" She whines

"Get used to it." Sakura huffs in amusement


They exchanged a few more sentences of conversation before I finally pieced together the feeling of familiarity in this girl.

"... Elysia. Is that you?" I asked hesitantly

She snapped her fingers before clapping her hands together happily, "Bingo, my dear Mobius! I was wondering when you would figure it out!"

"H... How...? We were all..."

"I wonder the same thing too! But as I thought, you look the same as always... It seems like only I reincarnated in a new body!" Elysia pouts before smiling again, "Oh well! I like this cute form too!"

"You don't have to look so confused, Mobius. It is the same for everyone here. We do not know what this all means, but we are back together again. Isn't that enough for now?" Sakura asks

For almost two years, I have been lonely. I hate to admit it, but it already felt empty without Klein but not being around familiar people after coming to this new world had given me some stress. But now that I'm with them...


"Yeah... Yeah. I guess so." I quickly replied

Elysia, like who she had been, stands up and pulls me into her embrace.

This troublesome girl... always choosing these moments to...

"I'm sorry for not finding you earlier, Mobius. It must have been lonely." Elysia whispers into my ear

"... Idiot. When did I ever say that...?"

Her laughter rings in my ear, "I have known you for 50,000 years, Mobius!"

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