Fairy of the Labyrinth

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Rimuru POV

We were now back in my office and I headed straight for the egg, giving it a gentle caress again.

"We're back, Bella!"

I hear Mei sighing behind me and I could see her exasperated expression with her hands on her hips with <Universal Detect>, "I hope you don't baby her too much once she hatches."

"Oh, but she's just a baby, Mei! That's how a baby should be treated, you know!" I complained as the egg shakes a little, "See? She agrees!"

She shakes her head but I could see a small smile on her face and I giggle.

"My Lady!"

Oh, Ranga! Is something wrong? Did you give Gobkyu the blueprints?

"Yes, that was completed without issue. However, there was a bit of a different problem... Please hurry to the outskirts of the West Gate!"

Got it. I'll be there soon.

Seeing the sudden seriousness on my face, Mei walks over to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Ranga told me that something is happening at the West Gate. I need to check on it." I said as I changed into my battle attire just in case

"I'll go too."

I nod and we teleported to the West Gate, seeing a surprising sight. The Gatekeepers were laying asleep on the ground and Gobkyu was talking to someone, who was being loud and complaining to him.

Ah... Isn't that...

I walked over to them and crouched, looking down at the fairy who hasn't noticed me behind her yet.

"What are you doing here, Ramiris?"

She squeals loudly in surprise and her eyes dart around while she lets out noises of panic before finally calming down and nervously flying up to my eye level.

"H-Hey! How's it going, Rimuru...?"

Then, a cheerful voice rang out behind us, "Ramiris-sama! I've prepared more lumber. Now we can add that terrace you wanted!"

Turning to the voice, I stood up and the cheerful figure flinches upon seeing me.

"Hi, Treyni-san! May I ask what you are going to do with those?" I questioned with a small smile

"Rimuru-sama?! I-I see that you are in excellent health..." Treyni stutters, not making eye contact with me

I can't help but notice that she has changed too much ever since she met Ramiris again...

I sigh, turning to the puppet behind us, "Could you please explain this to me, Beretta?"

"Ah, so the job falls to me." Beretta sighs in resignation

"I'm sorry, but you seem to be the only sane one here currently..."

And so, Beretta explains everything up until the point I arrive on the scene. It seems like Ramiris had been lonely and decided to move here. Then when the Gatekeepers tried to stop them, Treyni had cast a sleep magic on them.


"Rimuru-sama, this is all a misunderstanding! Ramiris-sama did nothing wrong!" Treyni tries to reason

"I'm sorry but as much as Ramiris is in the wrong, you are the same as well, Treyni-san." I sighed, looking at the built shack, "Still, this is rather small for a house. It can't even fit Beretta."

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