The Ogres

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Rimuru POV

First, I should treat Gobta and Rigur, who had been hit by another one of those people and came to my side. Gobta had rolled backwards from the attack and was crying in pain. I splashed some potion on him and Rigur.

"It's okay, Gobta-chan. It's just a shallow wound." I assured the young Goblin

"R-Rimuru-sama! Was that a healing potion?! Thanks!" Gobta cried in joy

"Explain this to me, Rigur. What happened to everyone?" I ask

"All those you see collapsed are alive and well. They were merely put to sleep with magic. I am ashamed, my Lady. I sensed a powerful aura and was on heightened alert but I did not expect to see Ogres." Rigur explains regretfully

I expected Ogres to be taller and muscular but some of them just look like Kalpas's build but with armor on. They even have a katana.

I sensed a battle above and looked up to see Ranga battling two other Ogres.



He landed in front of me.

"I have failed you! Our forces have fallen..." Ranga apologized and I pet his fur in assurance

So in total, there are six Ogres, huh...

"Hey, you guys! I don't really understand what happened here but I apologize if my forces have crossed the line. Will you please step back and let us talk this out?" I requested

Besides, just by looking, I can tell that they aren't really hostile. Gobta and Rigur's injuries weren't fatal and the security team were simply put to sleep without any harm done to them. There must be a good reason for this...

Why is there splattered blood on their armor?

"Show yourself, evil Majin! No mere human is capable of enlisting the help of monsters to do his bidding. You've disguised your true form and attempted to hide your aura but you cannot deceive the eyes of the Holy Ogre Princess." The red-haired Ogre accuses upon seeing me

No way! What did I do? My true form is just a cute, cuddly and lovable slime...!

"Hmph. I don't need to hear your answer. That mask tells me all I need to know about you." The Ogre said, drawing his weapon

The mask?

"Wait a minute! Maybe this is a misunderstanding!" I exclaimed, trying to not let the situation escalate

However, the Ogre ignores my words, "By my sword, you shall pay with your head to ease the memory of my fallen brethren, if even for a fleeting moment."

This is no good... He's not going to listen to me either way, so I guess I should fight. He doesn't seem as strong as Ifrit, I guess just a little show of power would do.

"Which one is the magic user, Ranga?"

"The pink-haired girl they call the Holy Princess." Ranga replies

"Okay, keep her in check. I'll take care of the rest of them."

"But that will mean you're facing five at once, Rimuru-sama..."

"It's okay! I won't lose!" I assured

"Are you a Hero or a reckless fool? I will honor your courage by accepting your challenge. Don't regret it." The Ogre smirks

First to attack head-on was the burly-looking Ogre with a hammer in his arms. He took a swing at me, which I dodged by jumping in the air and flipping my body to land behind him.

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