Man-and-Monster Summit Pt.2

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Rimuru POV

With Iris following me from behind, I spotted Fuze, King Gazel and Duke Elalude gathered together at one table with an open seat opposite Duke Elalude.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" I quickly apologized

"It's alright. Who is the girl?" King Gazel asks, seeing Iris behind me

"This is Iris. She just recently joined us." I introduced her as she did a little bow in greeting, "She's still a little... out of tune with emotions, but she'll figure things out with time."

"I see."

"I would like her to join me to learn a few things..." I trailed off after seeing that Iris's attention was on something, or rather, someone else, "Iris?"

I looked in the direction she was staring at, finally spotting Mobius having a chat with Vesta near the entrance to the garden.

Oh, I see.

"Go ahead." I encouraged her

"Hm? But I-"

I cut her off with a finger on her lips and a smile, "You two have a bit of catching up to do, so go ahead."

After another moment of hesitation, she nods and walks up to Mobius. There was a small flash of surprise on Mobius's face before she looked up to find me. I gave her a small wave and took my seat, beginning the discussion with Duke Elalude and listening to the future plans for the two countries of Tempest and Sarion.

"What do you think? I believe building a direct road is just as important as forming diplomatic relations." Duke Elalude proposes

"Mm. That is true. Then we can take care of the construction from our side and make a direct highway connecting our countries. However, I would like to be able to have the maintenance of the highway, along with the lodgings and its management to us. In return for these, we will also collect the toll on the road." I carefully laid out the proposal this time

"I see. A reasonable demand. However, we would like to retain the right to negotiate the toll, perhaps once every few years."


"You have my gratitude."

Shuna then walks up to us, "Excuse me, it's almost time to resume."

"Okay, we'll be right there!"

With that, our short meeting ended and we returned to the gazebo, where everyone else had already gathered. I could also see that Iris had decided to take part in it, standing beside Mobius.

"Now, let us resume this meeting since everyone had a refreshing break! Let's first address the issue of the Western Saints Church-"

I was quickly cut off by a commotion outside the gazebo as a small ball of light made a beeline toward me. Beni notices it and quickly comes up in front of me when the light is shown to be Ramiris.

"Huh?! Ramiris?!"

"Listen up! This nation is doomed!" She suddenly announces

"... Huh...?"


Some of us couldn't help but scream that out loud before Ramiris was plucked up by her wings by Diablo, who looked quite annoyed.

"Rimuru-sama, how shall I dispose of this funny insect?"

"What, what is it? What did I do?!" Ramiris grunts, trying to free herself

"Uh, Diablo, it's okay. She's a Demon Lord... more or less. My friend." I said, quickly stopping him from thinking of doing anything bad that he may be thinking to Ramiris

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