Impending Threat

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Rimuru POV

A few days later, I was in the craftsmen's workshop to see the new clothes that had been made for the Kijin.

"I do have a question, my Lady." Benimaru suddenly says

"What is it?"

"If you'd said that you were a lady in the first place, maybe we wouldn't have attacked. Because with your current form and that mask, you looked like you could be a male Majin but without the mask, you're quite feminine." Benimaru says

"Well, it's not like I could really say anything since you were so upset." I explained

"O-Oh yes... My apologies..."

"It's okay. You had good reasons to be upset. I don't blame anyone." I giggled a little at his nervous expression

"Thank you."

I nod and then glanced at the sword Hakurou had on his waist.

Sakura fights with a katana too. I sparred with her a few times and it was amazing to see her evasion and sword skills. I begged her to teach me a few moves and it was a little hard to learn but manageable.

"Hoh-hoh. Are you interested in swordplay, my Lady?" Hakurou asks, taking note of my attention

"Hm... I am kind of curious. I am not the best at it, but I think I can pull out a few moves." I said, making some movements that Sakura did in the past

"Hm, you have used swords before?"

"Yeah, I did. Just for a bit though. I'm not that good with it, so I use another weapon better." I replied

"Intriguing. Rimuru-sama, shall we find a training ground to have a spar after this? I can also teach you a few of my moves after that." Hakurou suggests

"Really?! Let's do it then!"

"Uh, Rimuru-sama..." Benimaru calls but soon pauses, looking at Hakurou, "N-Never mind..."


Once everyone had finished changing clothes, Shuna stayed behind to weave some clothes by herself while Kurobe, Shion and Souei goes to do whatever they wanted to. Benimaru followed Hakurou and me to a nearby training ground. I took out a strip of cloth and tied my hair back loosely in preparation while Hakurou inspects the training ground. 

"Hm... Yes, this seems like a good place. We shall be using these wooden training swords, is that okay with you, my Lady?" Hakurou asks, holding two wooden swords in his hand



Benimaru POV

Lady Rimuru is truly a weird creature. Despite being a slime, she claims to know some form of swordplay and even says that while she isn't as adept at it, she can use another weapon.

She surely is a mysterious master.

Hakurou tosses one of the wooden swords in his hand to her and takes his position while Lady Rimuru leaves a distance between them. While Hakurou's stance is his usual sheathed sword position with his prominent leg bending forward, Lady Rimuru had a surprising stance. She holds her sword with both hands, putting it to her side and lifting it slightly above her head, her legs bending. A few moments pass before Hakurou draws his sword, leaps, and swings it at her. Her sword swings as well, going around her head before bringing it down to counter Hakurou's sword then in succession, she swings her sword again, charging forward. This time, the sword's trajectory was to the other side of Hakurou as he quickly moves his arm to block. As soon as Lady Rimuru finishes her attack behind him, she releases one hand over her sword and swings backward. Hakurou jumps to the air as Lady Rimuru twists her entire body with her sword once and before Hakurou lands, she leaps forward again, her sword now swinging downwards. However, in the next instant, Hakurou disappears as the sword swings down at him and he appears behind her to tap her head with his sword.

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