Battle of Flame-chasers

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Third Person POV

The inevitable battle of the Flame-chasers, once comrades and now enemies, clash with one another. Transforming into Vishnu once again, Kosma went on the offensive with his claws constantly being deflected easily by Rimuru's katana.

"I suppose two years of being here was enough for Kosma to make this much progress in controlling this power." Rimuru noted as she flicks her blade upwards, making Kosma dodge the strike

"We had... made preparations. You may have become stronger, but we are still Flame-chasers. We were once comrade-in-arms. So we are completely prepared." Aponia explains as she lifts her hand slightly

Lightning surges from the space above Rimuru and she quickly flies to dodge the attack as the lightning continued to crash around her while she weaves through them with her katana ready to strike Aponia, who was flying in the air. A chakram intercepts the katana's blade while the armor entity flies up to strike Rimuru with its greatsword, only to be blocked by her left wing.

"Let me assist you, Rimuru-sama!" Shion shouts as she runs forward

"No, Shion-chan!"

Seeing this, Kosma dashes to Shion with a raised claw as she draws her odachi but it was easily grabbed by his claw.


As his other claw came down at Shion, it was quickly blocked by Rimuru as she pushes him back.

"I'm sorry, Rimuru-sama..."

Rimuru turns to give her a smile and a short pat on her head, "It's okay! Let me handle this!"

She then hands Shion her katana, leaving her confused.

"M-My Lady?!"

"Take care of that for me. I'll take it back after I win this."

Recalling that Rimuru had another weapon, Shion nods and returns to Veldora's side. There was a confident smile on Aponia's lips as an eerie red glow appeared under Rimuru's feet. Taking a glance at her feet, a short scepter with the same eerie red glow on its tip was planted by her feet.

"Scepter of Duat... Kosma must have been holding on to it. I see. Yes, whatever weapons someone from the old world carried will also follow them. In this case, Kosma had one before. It is a good strategy on their part." Iris thought, analyzing the situation as the wings on Rimuru's back started to fade but a calm smirk remained on her face, "But against Lady Mother..."

Taking this opportunity of weakness, Aponia released a giant crash of lightning on Rimuru before Kosma and the armor entity followed up with slash attacks in the smoke.


To their shock, they hear small clapping from behind the smoke as it cleared up and Aponia gasped, seeing the wings back again, blocking both Kosma's claw and the greatsword the armor entity was carrying. Rimuru was clapping with a wide grin on her face.

"Good work! You had tried to put some effort into trying to weaken me!" Rimuru praised them

"No way... You mean that was a feint...?!" Aponia gasped out

Rimuru looked up at her calmly and stretched her hand out, "As a reward for your hard work..."

A light shone in front of her as a weapon began forming, much to Aponia's surprise, as she recognized the shape.

"Kosma! Get away from there!"

The armor entity and Kosma tried to move away but the wings held onto them as Aponia generated a barrage of lightning above Rimuru to try to get her to release them. However, before any of the lightning could connect, Rimuru drew the black sword and a single swing disintegrates the lightning, hitting both Kosma and the armor entity at the same time.

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