Happenings in the East

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-One week before the Founding Festival-

Third Person POV

A normal morning in the Empire where soldiers were out training, uncooperative commanders meddling about their own business, and others that try to raise their ranks in the Empire. This was the usual routine in the Empire, but for some, they prefer to stay covert and away from the noise.


A boy enters a meditation room, which was resounding with a calm tune, giving its occupant a bow with a fist touching his palm and he holds them forward in greeting.

"Good morning, Master Phoenix."

The occupant sighed, removing her hands from the instrument she strummed and looking up at the boy.

"Xin, you don't have to call me that. You can just call me 'Hua'. I do not want anyone to overhear you calling me by that name. Besides, I've long discarded it. We are not in Shenzhou anymore."

Xin looks up at Hua and straightens his posture.

"I know that. But this is my respect to you as the Guardian of Shenzhou. In all my life, I would never have thought that I would be able to meet you in real life. The Immortal Emperya herself." Xin praises her with a humble smile

Hua shakes her head and looks at Xin sternly, "Enough, Xin. You may have become my disciple but you should very well remember that this is the Empire. We have eyes and ears constantly watching and listening to our movements."

"Yes, Master..."

Hua stands and sets the zither instrument she was playing aside, walking to stand opposite Xin, taking up a battle stance.

"Today's training will end early. I have a business I need to attend to, so work hard for these few hours." She encouraged the boy

His eyes sparkled in anticipation and determination as he took up his own battle stance, "Yes, Master Hua!"


Five hours later, Xin breathed heavily as he laid on his back, sprawled on the floor after the intense training session with Hua.

"You did well today. Continue your practice once you are feeling better." Hua praised him while donning a long beige jacket over her eastern-style clothing

"Where... are you going... Master...?" Xin panted out

Hua paused to think before answering his question, "... Just... somewhere with fresh air."

Leaving Xin to recover from the fatigue, Hua quickly sets off, carrying a small bag with her and leaves the Empire as quietly as possible.



Without letting Kevin or Su know about my short trip out of the Empire, I made my way to the Western Nations as something in my chest gave my body a light pang.

Just give me a bit. You must be trying to awaken, right?

Something happened in the west and I have been feeling this pull ever since then. Inside my body... was a Herrscher core. Through the memories I have been receiving, this core must contain...

"Wait a little longer, Senti."

I activated my Phoenix form and within two hours, I arrived at the gates to the Kingdom of Blumund. Usually it would have taken weeks to travel by foot, but my powers allow me to use lesser stamina while giving a boost to my speed to make it this far. Deactivating my powers, I walked on the smooth road that leads to the monster country, Tempest.

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