The Days After

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Rimuru POV

The next morning, King Gazel and his entourage returned to Dwargon. In accordance with the plan, Calgurio and the others also prepared to return to the Empire. By extension, since Hua was undergoing her evolutionary sleep, the Seven Swords, who were connected to her by her powers were also asleep. Some of the Imperial soldiers had wanted to remain in Tempest but they were persuaded to put priority to the stability of the Empire first before thinking of immigrating. By the end of the week, Su and Hua had awakened from their sleep in two days along with Kevin and left with the Imperial Army to return to the Empire. Before that, they had some loose ends to tie up.


Third Person POV

-Two days before-

Hua lets out a short breath before entering the Control Room of the labyrinth, where the usual business continued after the chaos of the war. Xin was the first to react to her presence.


Hua smiles gently at him as he rushes up to her and gives her a bow, "It's been awhile, Xin. How have you been?"

Xin stiffens slightly, "I've been okay. A little bit of training here and there by Master Feiyun..."

"Yes, I heard of that too. I even heard that you went against the Demon Lord Dino when he betrayed you all." Hua said

Xin lowers his head, "No... I was helped by Beretta-san and 'Yin-san'..."

Su came up from behind her and added, "That's a feat in itself already. You went up against a Demon Lord. Be proud."

Xin's mouth opens for a moment before closing as he looks over to Hua, who helpfully provided an answer for him.

"This is Su. We have been long friends."

Shinji jumps up once he heard his name, "You mean that Su-san?! I've already heard stories about him in the infirmary but I rarely see him since I was always busy!"

"Yes, that's me." Su confirmed with a nod, "I believe your name is Shinji, yes? Your Unique Skill is intriguing to me, though we never met until now."

"I think the same too! I heard that you were extremely knowledgeable in the medical field, so I wanted to talk to you one day!" Shinji said excitedly

"Oh?" Su chuckled amusingly, "We have quite a bit of time, so why don't we have that conversation now?"

Shinji brightens upon hearing that offer, "Of course!"

Mark and the others could only watch as their two friends conversed with the respective Flame-chasers separately.

"Now that I think about it, Feiyun-sama looks quite like Hua-sama..." Mark mutters

Lucius hums in thought, "Really?"

"You're kind of right. Other than the color difference in their eyes and hair, their faces look uncanny to each other." Raymond said after thinking about it, "... Are they actually twins?"

"No way! I mean, Feiyun-sama never mentioned it once!" Lucius exclaimed

"Maybe they were separated from birth?" Mark wondered

Iris chimes in after checking <Argos>, "You are close but those theories are also a little far from the truth."

The three tilted their heads to the side in confusion, """Huh?"""

Su pauses in his conversation with Shinji after noticing Iris alone in the Control Room, "I heard that Dr. MEI works in here too, but where is she?"

Ramiris was the one who answered while munching on her cookie, "You know that 'Kevin' guy? He dropped by about an hour ago and they've been away since then!"

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