Goodbyes and New Beginnings

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Rimuru POV

It has been a week since the battle and Shizue has been in deep sleep for that period of time.

I'm so worried. I stayed beside her for a week and she's still not awake! I already consumed the spirit that was tormenting her, so what am I missing? Great Sage-san, is she going to be okay?

<Report. Her fusion with Ifrit seems to have been prolonging her life.>

H-Huh...?! Then I...

<Her spirit was extremely fatigued. If Ifrit had not been purged from her, she would likely have lost her sense of self. It is suspected that this was not Shizue Izawa's wish.>

"... Slime-san..." A weak voice calls me, breaking my train of thoughts

"Oh! Shizu-san! You're awake!"

"Have you been by my side the whole time...?" Shizue asks

"Yes, I was. I'm so glad that you're awake now. I was so worried that you might never wake up! Give me a minute! I'll get you something to drink!" I said, hopping down from the bed

"Slime-san... It's alright... I don't need it. But please... Would you mind listening? I want people to remember my story... and know that I lived."

I contemplated her words, understanding what she was saying, "... Okay."

I knew what was going to happen after this, so I hopped back up on the bed beside her as she began telling me her story from the beginning. How she was possessed by Ifrit right after she was summoned, how she ended up killing her friend...

"After Pirino died, I continued to serve the Demon Lord as his closest aide. But then I met..." She suddenly trails off to think about something 

"Who was it?"

"... The Hero. There was a battle and the Demon Lord abandoned his castle, leaving me behind as the rear guard. Was it the will of the Fire Spirit Ifrit, or was it of my own volition? I'm still not sure."

The Hero, huh...? I wonder if it's the same one that sealed Veldora. Well, I guess I won't be able to know since she lived such a long, long time ago.

"I thought I'd be killed instantly... But then she spoke to me. She asked me why was I there, how I had stayed alive... I was a majin, and she believed everything I said. She told me, 'It's alright now.' My emotions came back to me. Then the Hero took me in... She was the one who gave me the mask. She said it would boost my magic resistance and help suppress Ifrit, the spirit dwelling within me. By traveling with her, I learned about this world, I learned magic. Through the power of the mask, I even learned to use Ifrit's power, to some extent. By helping others and fighting..."

"I see. That's how you became known as the Conqueror of Flames. Your flames were really pretty!" I praised, trying to lighten the atmosphere as she smiles

"I was so happy traveling with her. But then she disappeared, leaving me behind. Why? I don't know. Why did she? Why... 'I'm certain we'll meet again'. That's what she said to me. I decided to become stronger. I wanted to help people who were suffering. I worked really hard. For decades! Doesn't that sound impressive?"

"Yeah! You must have looked so cool and beautiful with flames dancing around while you attack! I can imagine that!"

"People started to call me a Champion... But I wasn't young anymore. It was becoming more difficult for me to control Ifrit. One wrong step, and I could unleash Ifrit by mistake. When I thought about that, I got scared. I knew I could hurt someone I cared about again... So I retired and became an instructor."

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