Side Story: The Beach Photoshoot

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Third Person POV

"A beach photoshoot?" Sakura repeated

Rimuru nods in response, "We will have little time to ourselves soon, so I want to make this a memory for everyone!"

"By everyone, you mean you want to make it memorable with cute girls in cute swimsuits, right?" Feiyun scoffs, narrowing her eyes in suspicion when Rimuru fails to respond, "I knew it! Leave me out of it! I'm going home!"

"Wait a minute, Feiyun! I invited Hua and the others too!" Rimuru shouted in an effort to stop her, "Kondou is invited too!"

This got Feiyun's attention and she scowled, "What did you say?! You invited that stalker too?!"

"Why not? He's Hua's boyfriend. Of course he's invited! It's a good time to test out the beach in the labyrinth too!" Rimuru countered

"Tch! Alright, I'll go! But don't depend on getting any good shots!" Feiyun huffed

Rimuru nodded in approval, "Good! Then I'll invite Eden and the others too~ Shuna-chan made new swimsuits for all of us and I really want to try them soon~"

Sakura and Feiyun shared a look with each other and could only sigh. They were lucky that they were the only ones in the office right now...


Two days later, everyone invited was gathered at the beach situated in Ramiris's labyrinth. It was a private event so the beach was reserved only for them today.

"I haven't felt the sun like this in a long while..." Kevin muttered while lying on his beach chair and looking up at the false sun, "... It's warm but doesn't burn."

"Apparently, it's one of the features of this beach. You can feel the sun but never get sunburned. She really can think up anything." Su praised as he took the fruit punch from the beach table between them to drink before turning to the man to his left, "How long has it been since you were on the beach, Kondou?"

Kondou lay on his beach chair and looked up at the tranquil sky, "... Probably years. Many, many years."

"I see. I guess it was the same for us." Su sighed and leaned back after setting his fruit punch on the table, "Still, the girls are taking awhile..."

"You should probably remember that it's Elysia we're talking about here, Su..." Kevin reminded him after lifting his sunglasses slightly

Su takes a moment to think before sighing in resignation, "... You're right..."


"Oh, right, Kondou doesn't know about this." Su recalled and opened his mouth to explain things

However, there didn't seem to be a need anymore when Rimuru ran past them in her 'Elysia' form, wearing a two-piece black and white swimsuit that came with a skirt piece.

"Hurry, Eden!" She shouted back and waved at the boys in greeting before turning back to the changing tents in the distance, "Let's swim in the sea together!"

"Just wait a little, Ellie. I'm not sure if I can swim in this swimsuit." Eden said as she walked to her side, dressed in a two-piece black swimsuit, also giving the boys a wave before walking alongside Rimuru, "Let's build some sandcastles instead."

"Oh, okay! Then I'll collect some seashells for decoration!" Rimuru exclaimed

The two chattered cheerfully the whole while as Su waved them off and sighed at the gaping Kondou.

"As I was saying, that's actually Rimuru-sama. Previously, she was someone called Elysia. That's her form from back then." Su explained

"I see... No wonder the magicule signature was so familiar." Kondou muttered, "I wonder if Emperor Masayuki should join... It's fine for one day..."

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