A Day of Peace

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Third Person POV

As soon as the excitement dies down, and some arrangements and ideas have already been agreed to, everyone retreated to their homes for the night while Mei stayed in the cathedral for the time being.

"This will be your room for the time being, Mei! Once we get outside, I'll have a guest room prepared for you too!" Rimuru motioned to one of the doors in the cathedral

"Thank you. Will you be joining me inside? I still want to hear your story."

"It's late, Mei! Young, cute girls should be sleeping at this time!" Rimuru chides lightly

"Oh? Does that not apply to you?" Mei asks jokingly

"I am a slime, so I don't actually need sleep!" Rimuru assures Mei as she transforms back into her slime form, "See?"

Suddenly, her body ripples and she transforms into her human form.

"My <Mimicry> suddenly..."

<Report. Your human form is needed to continue the task of synchronizing with the realm, thus <Mimicry> is triggered immediately in reaction to you turning into your slime form.>

"Huh... Oh well!"

"When I see that now, it actually is amazing... I guess magic is normal in this world." Mei notes with a nod

"Mhm! Mei doesn't seem to get surprised so easily now! But you need your rest, Mei. When the portal opens again, I'll bring you back to your world."

"I know. I trust you, Elysia. But I want to use this time to talk to you. You know, about..." Mei trails off

Rimuru knew her next words and gave her a nod, "Mm! Just take a good rest tonight and I'll talk to you over the next few days. Make sure you follow Sakura, okay?"

Mei sighs, knowing that she does need the rest, "Okay. Thank you, Elysia."

"No problem!"

After waiting for Mei to enter her room, Rimuru then walks off for a much-needed bath after a long day. For that, she had already summoned a hot spring bath, filled with rejuvenating effects for her recovery.

"Mobius suggested this, and it actually works well!"

She puts her clothes into her 'Stomach', takes a towel with her, and enters the bath. Upon stepping inside, she was surprised to see someone relaxing in the hot spring.

"Veldora, are you not going to rest?" Rimuru asks in surprise as she sets her towel aside to rinse herself

"Hm? No, not yet. Don't you need it more than me?" Veldora questioned as he turned back to look at Rimuru, only to quickly whip his head back to look forward, "... Maybe a mixed bath was a bad idea..."

"Mm? Why is it a bad idea? It's not like we use it every day. We even have private bathrooms in our own bedrooms. I just wanted to use the hot springs today since I can't use the one in Tempest."

After rinsing, Rimuru turns the shower off and dips into the hot spring with a relaxed sigh.

"Besides, this hot spring has rejuvenating effects on my body after using my Herrscher form for the entire day."

"You could have deactivated it at any point in time, but you decided to stay like that until everyone left. That's on you." Veldora shrugged nonchalantly

"Well, it has been awhile since I transformed! And I even got to meet Mei again! It was such a surprise! She called me with such a strong wish!"

"Hm... I see."

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