The Expedition

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Rimuru POV

Once we were in the dining hall, I showed Glenda around and instructed her on the system of the dining hall in order to get our dinner.

"So you grab one of these wooden tags with the meal you want written on it and exchange it for food at that window. We have three different types of meals that are switched up every day. We have special meal sets too, and if you become an officer, you can order any food you like." I explained and took a wooden tag with cold meat salad written on it to show to Glenda

"Eh, is that so? They have been preparing meals for me every time." Beni wondered while Souei nodded along

Well, this is called the lieutenants' canteen, after all. Someone would prepare something for them even if they never ordered anything. I guess they just enjoyed eating whatever was prepared!

"This is our most popular dish. You need to make an appointment using your effort points or come early to wait in line to get it. It's a specially made dish." Shuna explains with a smile

"Then let's all have this set today." I suggested

Souei nods, "Yes. We've ordered people to reserve them for us."

Hm? Souei... Don't tell me you order your own subordinates to wait in line for you...?

The meals were served to our table and we began eating, leaving the heavy talking for later when everyone's stomachs were filled.

"So Glenda, what do you know? Tell us everything." I started the topic after seeing the satisfied Glenda

She nods and tells us all the secrets that she knew. It was a lot, and very valuable as well.

Firstly, regarding the Council, it was under the control of the five leaders of an organization called the Five Great Elders. The head of the Five Great Elders was Granbell. As for the remaining four, we were surprised to hear that today's prime suspect, Count Gavan, was one of them. The Duke of the Kingdom of Rostia, Johann, was one of them as well.

"But wait, why were they in disagreement with each other?" I asked

"That was Mariabell's plan. She intentionally organized an opposition while also keeping someone aligned with the majority view. In truth, this was her faking disputes, but to the people involved, this was a real battle where the stakes were life and death." Glenda explained

Wow... Is she really a just young girl, I wonder... So if Johann had won my trust, it would have been easier for her to keep an eye on me. It would have been great if they could eliminate me, but now Johann will probably just conspire within the Council instead.

"That feels so shady." Shuna noted

"I seriously don't want to deal with these people, I want to burn them all." Beni gritted through his teeth

How troublesome... This is why some nobles are not worth my time to deal with. So stressful and headache-inducing!

The other two members of the five were the Count of Cidre, who was in charge of guarding the northern border of the Kingdom of Ingracia, and King Dolan, who was from a small kingdom in the West. It's a military nation guarded by soldiers of the Dolan family.

Hm... Granbell really put a lot of thought into this, considering the land structure. It is next to the Holy Empire Lubelius and far from the Great Forest of Jura. It would be the safest place on the continent. He must have thought that it would be the most suitable location to act as a central trade hub of politics and economy.

"But I just don't understand why he would want to antagonize me when I'm so friendly..." I complained under my breath

"Eh? With all of the provocations you've issued, it's enough to turn anyone against you." Hinata responded with a slight surprise in her voice

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