Chaotic Conference

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Rimuru POV

We returned to the Tempest on the same day the musical exchange ended. Venom and the other demons escorted all the band members safely back home. I also asked the children to take a week off to rest. They had just experienced the difference between training and the real battlefield, and although they weren't injured, I was still worried about the events from before traumatizing them, so I told them to rest well. Chloe, on the other hand, decided to remain in her child form since her adult form would confuse the other children and she wanted to continue growing beside them, so we agreed. The conference I would have with Luminas and Leon was moved to a different date and it was going to take place in Tempest since Lubelius would still be undergoing restoration and Leon's territory, El Dorado, apparently had something serious happening and he couldn't afford to invite foreign dignitaries at the moment. I had no reason to decline since we already had two other Demon Lords staying over.

I should probably take a good rest now... I even skipped eating dinner yesterday night to prioritize my rest. I think the children were more worried about me after seeing me go berserk. I apologized for being absent from dinner too, but they still looked worried after returning. They are really sweet children...

<Notice. The door to Master's realm is currently on Floor 100.>

Oh, thank you, Raphael-san.

Using <Spatial Domination>, I teleported to Floor 100 and immediately entered my realm. I moved to my room and lay down on my bed, Raphael-san kindly helped to change me into my pajamas and I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep. I never knew what was going to happen outside while I was taking this rest. It was... a little trouble caused by my forgetting to inform everyone else of my temporary absence...


Third Person POV

As soon as Rimuru had returned to the realm to take her rest, she had failed to realize that she did not inform any of her close subordinates about her absence. Unknown to her, many of them had been trying to contact her without any success. Why is that so? Her dear first Secretary Shion had allegedly received a communication from both Luminas and Leon upon their return. She just happened to be in Rimuru's office when the communication orb rang and received their requests to have the conference held the next morning, agreeing to this without even a slight hesitation or even a thought of contacting her absent Lady first beforehand. And now...

"What do you mean, 'you can't contact her'?!" Shuna gasped as she tried to contact Rimuru through <Telepathy Net>, "... It's true..."

"I cannot believe you accepted such requests without our Lady's presence, Shion. At the very least, she should be the first to know before you approve of such a thing." Diablo reprimanded Shion, much to her displeasure

"Well, it's too late already! They are coming tomorrow and I cannot find Rimuru-sama anywhere!" Shion exclaimed in a panic

"The only times she would not receive our <Telepathy Net> is when she is in deep concentration or sleep. But even then, the <Telepathy Net> should have connected..." Shuna mumbled as she tried to come up with ideas of where Rimuru could be, "... I will ask around. Maybe Sakura-san has seen her."

"Then I shall head to the labyrinth and ask Veldora-sama." Diablo added

"I will find Aponia and the others!" Shion said

"Okay, but remember to not let your panic show. We don't want the residents to be affected as well." Shuna reminded them


The three moved out of the Central Office to look for whoever may know of Rimuru's whereabouts. Shuna arrived at the training grounds through teleportation magic and immediately found Sakura watching over a training session.

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