The Dinner Party

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Rimuru POV

As we continued to discuss the next few fights that happened inside the labyrinth, a little chirp brought our attention to Feiyun's feet as the little bird peeked out from there again.

"You're here again?" Feiyun sighed and picked it up, "I thought I left you with Xin... How did you even find me?"

"It's your Honkai Beast, so it wouldn't be surprising if it followed your presence once you returned." I explained while giving the little bird a pat with my finger, "How cute~"

"Honkai Beast? Another one, Rimuru-sama?" Beni asks in surprise

"This one's a little different. It's Feiyun's own Honkai Beast. And it's still unnamed." I told him

"I see... But what is it? A bird?" He mutters as he looks at the little bird in Feiyun's hand, "... It definitely has the same emerald eyes as the other Honkai Beasts but..."

"Its power is still weak, isn't it?" I finished his thoughts, "You really should name it soon, Feiyun. It will barely be able to survive if you're not around for a long period of time."

Feiyun grimaced, "It won't become like the first two times, right?"

Oh, right... She got tricked once into naming the Seven Swords and Otto drained her energy so she must be wary... Uh, Ciel?

<I will optimize things during the 'naming' process. Please do not worry!>

"I'll handle things this time! So just name her freely!" I assured her

"If you say so..." Feiyun grumbled and looked at the little bird in her hand, humming in thought, "... 小婷 (Xiaoting)."

I noticed her shoulder flinching slightly as her magicules were given to the little bird. Still, it seemed like there were no changes physically but...

Wow... Its existence value shot up in an instant!

<It is more than I expected but the 'naming' process is complete. Xiaoting now just needs some time to actually trigger an evolution.>

I see...

"Well, I've listened to Beni's report on the progress of Carrion and Frey, so I need to head to Blumund to meet Mollie now." I informed them

"Wait! Have you forgotten why I went to find you?!" Feiyun reminded me, letting Xiaoting stand on her shoulder, "What am I gonna do about tomorrow?! Am I really gonna head to the Empire for something I have completely no context about?!"

... I forgot...!

"Can you tell me what the Seven Swords told you, Feiyun? I only knew Gadra's side of the story, so I'm still a little in the dark about the rest of the context." I told her

In summary... From what Feiyun knew from the Seven Swords, Velgrynd has requested her to attend a party in the Empire to commemorate the birth of a pair of new Guardian Deities. Apparently, Velgrynd has already come up with a story to their separation and Feiyun can relay everything to me after she returns from the Empire. But...

"No way! I have too many titles!" Feiyun complained

"That's lesser than what I have..." I muttered before clearing my throat, "But if you do this, then there will be more reasons for the Empire's subjects to accept the collaborations between our nations. So can you go there just this once?"

"But... I can't act! Moreover, what will I do if some weird person comes up to me?!" Feiyun exclaimed

Haven't you always dealt with them though...?

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