Labyrinth Adjustments

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Rimuru POV

It has been a month since the festival ended and progress has already been made when the labyrinth opened to the public again five days after. MEI is now reporting the happenings in the labyrinth while I worked on some paperwork in my office. There were some good points, which made me smile widely.

Masayuki-kun's suggestions really work! As a former gamer, he has so many good suggestions to put in, even Mobius and MEI were impressed by him!

"The first floor's tutorial training ground is working better than expected. Now no one is stupid enough to challenge the labyrinth without preparations for the worst." MEI explains to me as she reads through a report, "Vill-V has also taken charge of inventing new traps, but I have to keep watch over her to make sure that they don't become purely explosives."

"Thank you, MEI! Then what about the power balance?" I asked

MEI flips the paper to another page, "So far, the most balanced floors on the labyrinth are Floor 2 to Floor 39. Six members from Shion-san's Yomigaeri squad were sent in for initial testing and they only made it that far before being defeated by the boss monster, the Tempest Serpent on Floor 40. On top of that, your Honkai Beasts are still on Floors 51-54. We are planning to split them up according to their strength levels."

Ah... I probably scolded Veldora a lot for that. After teaching Bella how to fight, he proceeded to test the strengths of the other Beasts without my permission, ramping their powers up even further!

<The Seraph-class Honkai Beasts are mostly incapable of fighting unless threatened. Adventurers of Rank B+ or above should be able to defeat them. The Knight-class Honkai Beasts are capable of fighting adventurers of Rank A-. The Chariot-class Honkai Beasts are capable of fighting adventurers of Rank A. The Bipedal-type and Templar-class Honkai Beasts are capable of fighting adventurers of Rank A+.>

... Oh, Veldora... Why would you power them up this much...?

"... Right... Split them according to my instructions. The Seraph-class can remain spread to any floor as special guides that spawn occasionally. Let the Knight-class ones roam from Floor 65 to Floor 69. Do the same for the Chariot-class Honkai Beasts but they will be from Floor 71 to Floor 74. Then lastly, the Templar-class and Bipedal-type will be spread from Floor 75 to Floor 79. Put up training for the adventurers too. These beasts are new to the world, after all. Also, as a marketing promotion, we can tell them that each of these Beasts may drop rare items or materials." I instructed her as she jolted it down in her notebook

"Mm, got it. I will also update Mjollmile-san on this."

"As expected of MEI! Now for the drops... Let's see... Has anyone tried to fight them other than Veldora?" I asked

"No, not yet. But they do curiously respawn almost immediately at a random place on the floor. As for their drops..." MEI trails off, searching her pocket and putting a small green gemstone on my table, "This is what we found. Upon analysis and research, they have the same compounds as Soulium. We tried putting them near Divine Keys to see if there are any reactions but so far, the Divine Keys you produce are already at their full potential in the right hands. But they are still quite valuable as research material. Maybe in the future, the blacksmiths can use these to create weapons that have almost the same properties as a Divine Key, though it would have lesser power than an actual Divine Key."

I picked up the gemstone, inspecting it, "Wow... This tiny gemstone? Then what will the exchange rate be like?"

"We will let Mjollmile-san settle on that. He is much more familiar with trading in this world, after all. Speaking of which, when it came to the labyrinth broadcasts, we arranged for floor layouts to be changed every two to three days in order to prevent cheaters from taking advantage of the labyrinth. However, there is a particular team Vill-V is keeping a close eye on right now. From what we know now, this team is called the Green Rebellion. An elite force led by a spirit wielder with an unknown origin. They cleared the tenth floor at lightning speed. Thanks to the spirit wielder, they were able to take the shortest route possible in the shortest time."

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