Harvest Festival

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Third Person POV

Back in Tempest, all of those who had returned from destroying the devices now gathered together in the plaza after the fourth barrier had been put up, looking over the dead bodies of their people.

"Rimuru-sama... As long as she is by our side, we would want nothing else. But for Rimuru-sama, losing any one of us might lead to a significant upset of her mental balance..." Shuna mutters

Benimaru sighs under his breath, "It's because you keep sleeping. Get up, Shion..."

"She will. That girl will always keep her promises. Shion-dono will definitely get up for us, for her." Sakura assures



Rimuru POV

After that announcement in my head, I suddenly feel extremely sleepy. Unable to keep my Herrscher form for much longer, I quickly landed on the ground, my mask slipping from my face from the movement as I picked it up with the blurring vision, hearing the giant ring of crystals in the sky shattering.

This isn't like my usual Sleep Mode... It's way beyond normal fatigue... This is bad... I can't fall asleep in the middle of all these dead bodies... I have the enemy leader with me now... I need to return to Tempest...

<Notice. One survivor detected through <<Magic Perception>>.>

What...? Every soul that had been broken should have been taken by the effect of <Merciless>... This one has great willpower, huh...? This isn't good... I have to-

<Notice. Harvest Festival is impossible to halt while in progress.>

Ah... Not good...

"Ranga...? Are you here?" I called, looking at my shadow

He immediately leaps out of it in response to my call.

"Here I am, Master!"

Lucky me...!

"Good boy... What a good boy..." I praised, petting his snout

"Give me your orders!"

"This will be a top priority order, Ranga. Bring me back to the town safely... Bring those two with you as well..." I ordered while pointing to Edmalis and Rayheim, "I understand that everyone will be furious, but they must not be killed... Ah, yes, leave them to Eren-chan and her friends, if you must..."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I'm too sleepy... Can't keep up with this form anymore...

Due to this, I reverted back into my slime form and Ranga picked me up with his snout.

"Master! One last thing before you rest! What shall I do with the living enemy?" Ranga asks

"Oh... I'm impressed you detected that person too... Don't worry, I have an idea..." I replied

While I don't want that unknown person interrupting my evolution into a Demon Lord, Ranga has to protect me and bring me back into Tempest... So, there's only this option left...

"Dispel the <Anti-Magic Area>..." I commanded as the barrier fell

"Master, you shouldn't use magic in this state..."

"It's okay, Ranga... I've done this before and it won't take long..." I assured him before making a summoning, "My offerings are the dead bodies in this place... This is your food... Now, come to my aid! <Demon Summoning>!"

To my surprise, only three demons appeared from the summoning circle.

"Oh... Only three? With all those bodies...?"

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