Setting the Labyrinth

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Is it just me or are they closer than before...?

It has been a week since then and apparently, the construction of hundred floors has finally completed. When I entered the labyrinth today to meet Elysia, imagine my surprise when I not only saw Veldora, but the fact he was once again carrying Elysia on an arm and she is completely fine with it too. Not only that, even when she was let down to begin constructing Veldora's home on the hundredth floor, he stuck close to her like glue and she reciprocated by taking occasional breaks with his arm slung over her shoulder. None of us, whether it be Mobius or Iris or me, had any chance to actually approach close enough to talk to her comfortably. Only the fairy Ramiris seems to be unfazed by it. That or she never really took notice since she was still pretty excited about the labyrinth creation.

Sworn friends, huh? You're giving me reasons to doubt it.

"Damn, they are very close. I can't even tell if it's just her usual flirty self or she's actually doing it because she wants to." Mobius shrugged with sarcasm in her voice

Iris answers her sarcasm in the next instance, "Body language and facial analysis shows that she is doing it because she wants to."

"... Well, well..."

Mobius is hiding a mischievous grin behind her hand, but I can see it from the side. Finally, when the construction of the home was concluded with satisfactory results, the three finally turned their attention to us.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting! Let's begin the real labyrinth creation plan!" Elysia chirps up and we nod

First, the matter of the items for labyrinth use. That would be the Resurrection Bracelets and the Return Whistle. Although she's a fairy, she is still a Demon Lord. Ramiris truly is omnipotent here and apparently, this applies to her subordinates too. As long as they are all under her, they are immortals in the labyrinth and cannot be killed.

That's terrifying to imagine. Even if you eliminate them once, they will keep coming back in full health and force.

Next is the most important part of the plan and probably the most dangerous, according to Mobius. For that, we have to evacuate to the higher levels until it has finished.

"So what was this step about again?" I asked Mobius

"The dragon has a lot of pent-up energy just about ready to burst. If he releases it outside, it would destroy everything, including the entire forest. With the labyrinth, he can release as much aura as he wants and finally relieve himself from the stress of holding it all in. At the same time, the magicule concentration he releases will cause monsters to spawn in the labyrinth through the air vents." She explains to me in detail

"Ah, so that's how monsters can be created for the adventurers to hunt."

Iris suddenly looks at the ground and puts up a barrier around us.

"Prepare for a small surge." She warns us

As soon as she says that, the ground below us shakes and even with the barrier, I could feel a burst of aura all around us before it slowly calms and slowly fills the floor we were on, which was Floor 50.

"Wow... Even when we are this far from them, the immense pressure from the aura is still trembling in my veins..." Mobius grunts as she shakes off the effect of the aura

"Yeah... He's not one of the strongest beings in this world for nothing." I sighed, composing myself again

"Well, it's time for us to look around the floors from 51 to 54 and make a floor plan. Elysia has a plan and I don't really like the sound of it, but this is for the festival. If she goes too far, I might have to scold her again." Mobius shrugs

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