Flames Ablaze

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Third Person POV

At the other side of the door that opened a pathway for Minits, he could now see a white room for him to rest in. At the end of the room was a beautiful crystal door and beyond that door would be the person that called him. There were fruits and drinks on the table, and the room was even furnished with utilitarian commodities and some comfortable chairs. Minits looked at the first timers in the room lightly, trying to recall if he remembered any of them. Upon seeing him, those seated on the chairs stood up.

"Major General Minits, are you alright? I belong to the 'Augmented Legion' 26th Division..."

Minits raised his hand to stop Krishna's greeting, "That's enough. This labyrinth is not a lukewarm place where a single soldier or low-ranking officer can survive. I fully understand that."

"Ha! You are correct, sir. I am Krishna, Number 17 in the Imperial Guardians."

"I am Bazin, Number 35."

"I'm Reicha, Number 94."

"Hm, so you are the knight escort for the Emperor. You have been infiltrating our army as spies for the current operation." Minits said

"That's correct."

Minits sighed, "I might have my doubts even if you answer me so honestly, but that's alright for now. Let's talk about the future."

"We were discussing whether this would be a good idea."

Minits nods, "So what happened to all the others?"

"Yes. We were sent to the floor where the 'mighty king' was reported to be. We were facing the evil King of the Undead with only ninety-six men without commanders. In that battle, the rest of us..." Krishna trailed off

"It's unbelievable. They were all one-hundred-thousand warriors who could act on their own without orders. They may not have been as good as you, but they were the best in our army." Minits sigh heavily, "I can't believe they were all wiped out."

Krishna nodded gravely, "He was a fearsome monster. And the dead spirit knight who guarded him was also a top-notch swordsman."

Bazin interrupted the conversation, "They killed everyone in that group except the three of us. I don't have an answer to the criticism that we should have revealed ourselves earlier, but a Death Dragon, a Dead Sword Saint, and the Immortal King. It's a miracle that we survived."

"You're being rude to the Major General, Bazin." Reicha chided him

"But Reicha-san..."

Minits shook his head, "No, I don't care. This labyrinth is dangerous. We can help each other here to survive, regardless of our status."

"We are encouraged by your offer. So how did Minits-sama get here?" Krishna asked

"I was dealing with a group of Army Wasps."

Krishna gasped aloud, "Army Wasps...! Such a dangerous monster, all by yourself?"

"I haven't met any of my colleagues other than you and the others since I entered this labyrinth. In my case, after defeating the Army Wasps and the queen-like Majin, I was called by a voice. I found myself in this place." Minits explained

"I see, I see..."

"So are you hurt?" Reicha asked

Minits laughed, "I have prepared some medicine. After a few more days of rest, I will regain my strength. But more importantly, what route did you take to get to this room?"

"It was strange, really. This seems to be a separate dimension structure in the labyrinth." Krishna explained to Minits's shock, "Just what the heck is going on here? We were dealing with the boss of Floor 60 as reported, weren't we? Why didn't Demon Lord Rimuru make us conquer them one by one?"

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