Halted Plans

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Gadra POV

Ten days after sending off those boys to Tempest, I made my way to the Kingdom of Farmenas. Despite everything, they are still my disciples and I would like to help them whenever I can, that is why I am here. And just as I arrived at the gates, two knights came out to greet me with intimidating looks on their faces.

"Hey man, I'm not sure what sort of business you have here, but we are the ones who guard this castle. You understand that we can't just let an unidentified person enter it, right?"

"Ya heard him, old man. I don't wanna say anything bad, so you'd better go home for today, will ya? If you wanna meet someone, apply for a visit at the reception, you'll get a reply in a few days."

I was about to say something but someone stopped the two before I could, "Stop! Let him through!"

A young black-haired boy hurries his way over to us while issuing the order to these two knights.

Hm... He looks younger than before but that is no doubt...

"Huh? Aren't we supposed to stop him?" The younger knight questioned

"Then what did you call us for?"

The boy immediately kneels down to me after arriving in front of me, "It's been a long time, Gadra-sama. I'm very sorry for the delay in greeting you, for I had not known that you were still alive."

"Long time no see, Razen." I greeted him with a stroke on my beard, "You look completely different from what I remember, but it seems like it really is you."

"Yes, unlike you, Master, I preserve my life through transference of flesh."

"I don't blame you, so don't humble yourself too much. I came here today because I have something to ask you. Also, that beastman hiding there does have to be so alarmed. Had I come to stir trouble, I would not have come here alone." I said, turning to the wall where the transformed beastman was hiding

I could feel their tensions lifting and Razen arranges for a time to meet with the current King of the nation.


The next day, a conference was set up in one of the rooms in the castle. The King, Youm, along with the beastman from yesterday, Grucius, were participating. The King's escorts were Razen, along with the two knights, Saare and Grigori. Apparently, the Queen wanted to join but she has to recover after giving birth to her child.

Not like that matters.

"Now then, Master, what did you want to ask?" Razen asks, starting the topic

I gave his question a thought before turning back to him, "Before we get into that, there are some things I have to point out. Saare, young lad, you seem somewhat strong, but you are horrible at magic, aren't you? You see, that isn't something you can learn to use. You need to have proper control over your mana."

I moved on to the beastman, Grucius, who had transformed into his lycan form the moment he saw me. I scolded him for that. Then I moved on to the King, Youm. He was stronger than average men but he needed to come up with ways to defend himself since his overreliance on his gear would render his strength useless. As for Grigori, he just needs to work on his skill and get better.

"Razen, I can see that you've been working hard on your magic. Is that magic possession-type?" I questioned my disciple

"Yes, it is the great secret art <Possession> that I devised based on your theory of the mystic art <Reincarnation>."

"Hmm, that's an interesting experiment. Unlike my magic, you don't place yourself in a temporarily weakened state, turning yourself into a baby, when using it." I noted

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