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Rimuru POV

Now that the lengthy meeting was finally over, we met Hinata at the cafe again after changing into our casual outfits. We could always teleport back to Tempest now that it was over, but Souei and Feiyun had yet to return, so we decided to wait for them.

With all that has happened, it exhausted me mentally... Even reflecting on it reminded me of how tiring that was!

I took a sip of red tea to keep myself relaxed before looking over to Hinata.

"A lot of things have happened. I'm glad that it was Hinata who got angry and dealt with those people. If I came forward, it would have caused a few problems since I am a Demon Lord. Putting Feiyun in was just a little show of power, though." I chuckled

"I didn't get angry, I just thought that they were rather rude with their diplomatic approach and wanted to teach them a bit about manners." Hinata countered with a small smile

"If Rimuru-sama did not ask Feiyun-san to step up, I would have done so, but do not worry, if I was also truly mad, I would have made them disappear from this world with not a speck of dust left." Shuna added with a smile of her own

"I see..."

How ferocious... So Shuna-chan wanted to step up during that time, huh?

"To be honest, this has been a great experience. I was so angry that my head went blank and didn't know how to let out the anger. Had you not asked Feiyun-dono to step up, I would have burnt every human in that room to ash." Beni says with a breezy smile

Ah, so Beni's silence during that time was actually him trying to hold himself together.

"You mustn't do something like that, okay, Beni?" I chided him

"Hahaha, I was just joking!"

Also, we have to nominate a councilor for the next meeting. I have to be careful of who I choose this time.

We continued chatting under this atmosphere until I finished my tea. That was when Souei returned with his report.

"Feiyun-dono has successfully captured the culprit, Rimuru-sama."

"Good job, Souei! It must have been tough for you to keep yourself away from the battle, huh? How was the culprit's strength?" I asked

His eyes were hesitant as he slowly looked to the side, "Well, that... The battle never happened, if I were to sum it up."


I set my empty teacup down after realizing that Feiyun must have used her Herrscher powers again.

"Uh, Souei, is the culprit still alive...?" I asked with slight hesitance

"Yes. As you ordered, Feiyun-dono did not kill her. However, because of her abilities, the culprit was not able to identify herself with her name, but she did call Rimuru-sama 'the master of the asshole demon'." Souei explained

Demon? Ah, the culprit must be talking about Diablo. So they met before? Well, to Diablo, anyone who he sees as weak is not notable to report to me. I guess it's the same this time.

I ordered another cup of red tea while the others ordered black tea with cake while Souei shared with us through <Telepathy Net> of the 'battle' that happened between Feiyun and the culprit. At the very least, Feiyun did explain to Souei what kind of attacks the girl had used while she fought her in the cognitive space she created.

Poor girl, she didn't even have a chance to attack before Feiyun had put her under her power. Even against the Herrscher of Sentience, once you are in a dreamscape or any realm of sentience, you are as good as dead. To think Feiyun's current Herrscher powers can allow her to create her own realm of sentience or cognition in her opponent's own mind. Without resistance and an Ultimate Skill, anyone caught by her is already a goner.

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