Awakening of Beasts

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Rimuru POV

Immediately teleporting to my realm after hearing that the evolutions of the Flame-chasers were completed, I decided to check on Eden in her Sanctuary first. Ciel had already run a quick analysis on her and confirmed that the evolution was a success. After yawning, she gives me a gentle smile.

"Hello, Ellie. You seem to have been busy. How long was I asleep for?" She asks me

"Let's see..." I hummed in thought, "About three days. It's a little longer than expected, but everything seems to be okay!"

She looks at herself and nodded, "Yes, you're right. I do feel stronger than before. Or more like... I have regained my original powers."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that does seem to be the case!"

She was humming slowly this time, giving me a mysterious stare, "... So you don't deny that you have been busy. I assume that you broke our promise and did something reckless again, right?"

I jumped a little, "Eh? What do you mean by that?"

Chuckling in amusement, she pointed out the obvious, "Your human form has grown again. It's taller, much like a teenager's."

... Oh! She's right! I forgot all about that!


Did you just sigh, Ciel?

<No, it's just your imagination.>

She definitely did sigh but I guess it's no use to needle her about it.

"Eden really knows a lot about me..." I sighed in defeat, "Or maybe I'm just a bad liar..."

"A little of both." She chuckles again before putting a hand on my shoulder, "Now, you can talk about it later. Let's go to the others first."


I opened another door and we entered the next Sanctuary, which belonged to Sakura. The forest was silent before the person we were looking for walks out of a shadow.

"I sensed your presence. It looks like it went well." Sakura commented

"I'm glad to see you awake, Sakura! It's been about three days since the evolutionary sleep. Eden seems to have regained her original powers, but what about you?" I asked

"Hm..." She looked at herself and then at the sword on her waist before turning back to me, "... It seems to be true. Now I'm more concerned about the troublemaker."

"... Oh, right..."

Quickly opening another door, we entered Kalpas's Sanctuary and it was blazing hot, though I cannot feel the temperature due to my resistances. There was a mad cackling laughter in the distance and we immediately found the person we were looking for.


The man in question was exploding things in the distance, totally either ignoring us or was unaware that we were even here.

"Oh my, I think he's on a power craze." Eden commented with a hand over her mouth to hide a smile

Sakura sighed heavily, giving up on calling him a second time, "I wonder if we can do something to calm him down..."

I gave it a thought before shouting, "If you don't calm down now, I'll have to call Aponia and Griseo here!"

The cackling and explosions slowly ceased. Before we knew it, after seeing a small burst of flames in the distance, Kalpas landed in front of us with a disgruntled huff.

"... I guess it's safe to say that you got back your powers too." I finally said, "Good to see you again, Kalpas!"

After another huff, he asked an unexpected question, "Did those brats take care of themselves?"

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