Beginning of Walpurgis

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Rimuru POV

As soon as we stepped out of the gates, we were greeted by the sight of an other-dimensional space with a giant round table in the middle with several chairs around it. Looking up at the space above us, it viewed the beautiful night sky filled with stars.

It's so beautiful...

I looked at the round table again, seeing the red-haired man sitting at the other end of the table. Ramiris was speaking with him pretty casually. We made eye contact and I gave him a small smile, beginning an analysis on him.

Odd... His aura is fluctuating a lot. This must be Guy, seeing how close he is with Ramiris. I'm sure he's purposely making his aura unstable to test me or probably Demon Lords that are new like me. A screening process.

"Why don't you take a seat? You're blocking the door if you keep standing there. You could end up getting trampled." Guy suggests

Hm? Trampled?

The door behind me opens and a man with an incredibly gigantic build step out of it.

"Would you move aside, small one?"

"Oh, sure."

I stepped aside for him to walk to his chair. I chose a chair nearby to sit on as well, analyzing the man.

This must be the Demon Lord who tussled with Veldora. The Giant race Demon Lord Dagruel. Amazing... He has a great amount of magicules and he's not even hiding it!

Another door opened and three figures stepped out of it. I took notice of the fangs of the man in front of his two servants.

That one must be Demon Lord Valentin. The amount of magicules he has isn't any smaller. But... That maid behind him... Her magicules are higher than Valentin's...

<Affirmative. Within the measurable range, it is estimated that the maid's magicule capacity is higher than that of the current Demon Lord. The amount of magicules, is at all times, to be considered as a reference point in isolation. To determine accurate combat strength, extrinsic abilities are weighted more heavily.>

Ah, she must be up to something then. She must be that Rurus or Mirus vampire Demon Lord that Veldora mentioned. I hope she still isn't angry... She may still be since he leveled her nation.

Suddenly, I heard yawning behind me and I turned my head a little to see a white-haired man, slouching and looking quite tired, dragging his feet as he entered.

"Yo, Ramiris, eh? Haven't you shrunk since the last time I saw you?" The man teases

"Hey, you lookin' for a fight?!" Ramiris exclaimed

"No point, is there? I'd totally flatten you."

"What? You sure are getting too big for your britches, Dino!"

Oh, so that's Demon Lord Dino.

Dino suddenly gasps as he looks at Beretta and Treyni, "Hold on! How do you have servants to come along? You're making me look like a dweeb for showing up alone!"

Ramiris huffs proudly, "Tee-hee. Now then, quake in your boots before their tremendous power!"

At her declaration, Treyni and Beretta bowed.

"What's going on? I thought you were a fellow loner. So, mind if I rip 'em apart?"

"What?! Don't you dare! I'm gonna tell on you to Guy and will have you take a beating as punishment!"

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