Return of the Heroric Emperor

633 29 7

Third Person POV

Velgrynd assessed the situation. Su and Corrie were supporting Hinata as she and Moss faced off against the remaining Evil Dragon Spawns while Testarossa was still focusing her attention on Vega. Masayuki was being protected by an immense circle of power, so there was no reason for her to be too worried about him and she could face Feldway with a calm demeanor.

"I've been made a fool, haven't I? Velgrynd, are you going to take me with one hand?" Feldway asks

"Yes. Unlike you-" Velgrynd paused and flinched at the aura that spilled from Feldway, "What is that presence?!"

"You probably thought that you had <Parallel Existence> anyway, but I can use it too. If you're planning to go help Masayuki, I'll do my best to stop you." Feldway taunted

"Tsk, you still have that disgusting personality. I hate you. Masayuki will be okay." Velgrynd said

"Is that so? That's a shame."

Testarossa hummed as she assessed the situation as well, "The <Material Area> is finally complete."

Vega scoffed, "So what?"

"It means that I can now destroy you without restraint." She declared

After saying this, she launched her onslaught but Vega's indestructibility made it difficult to fight him. Testarossa's skill level was by far the highest. Even though Vega's existence value is several times greater than hers, he is not an unbeatable opponent. However, Vega had evolved in the middle of the battle after eating Arios and gaining his power. And now, something happened that made things worse. Unbeknownst to Testarossa and the others, Michael's <Time Stop> had been activated.

"Hm? The Seed of Sumeru..." Su noted as he took in his surroundings, "... Did something happen in the rift of time?"

It wasn't only him that felt the <Time Stop>. Velgrynd and Testarossa also felt the discomfort that came with it while Hua and Feiyun tried to figure out what was happening.

"Did time just..." Hua paused

"This is just like that time..." Feiyun briefly recalled Guy's own <Time Stop> as another wave of it came and went again, now sending slight shivers into her body, "... I don't like this..."

"Are you okay, Feiyun?" Hua asks in concern

As time stopped and started again for the third time, Feiyun shook off the bad feeling. Then, the fourth <Time Stop> hits them and it was during that time that a change happened. It was Ciel, bringing the fragment of <Justice King, Michael> to Feiyun, and altering her Ultimate Skill. Since the change happened without any warning, not even Feiyun was prepared for whatever happened after that, all she knew was that something needed to be awakened, and her mouth moved involuntarily.

"... Wake up, Rudra."

Hua blinked in confusion but before she could ask anything, Masayuki suddenly collapsed on his knees from a sudden wave of dizziness.

"Masayuki! Are you okay?!" Pardofelis exclaimed

""Your Majesty!""

Velgrynd startled and made the fatal mistake of turning away from Feldway to call in a worried tone, "Masayuki?!"

"It's my victory!" Feldway shouted, piercing his sword through Velgrynd's chest

"Hyahaha! You shouldn't look away from me!" Vega laughed as he attacked at the opening Testarossa accidentally gave

"Corrie?!" Hinata exclaimed in surprise when Corrie reverted to her weapon form and was caught by Su, "What's wrong?!"

"I don't know either!" Corrie replied

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