The Realm

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Rimuru POV

Exiting the portal, I noted that we were dropped off near the entrance to Tempest. It seemed that by the time everything had ended, it was already bright outside.

"We'll be using Griseo's painting to hide for a bit. Please don't worry." Aponia assures me as she takes out the miniature painting from her pocket

"Okay. I'll take a look at your painting later, Griseo." I said, crouching to the girl's level to pat her head


"Then we'll leave our safety in your hands."

The miniature painting once again becomes larger for them to enter. Aponia makes sure that the two children along with Clayman were safely inside before entering the painting herself. I kept the painting in my pocket after it shrunk again.

How convenient! Griseo has grown stronger herself!

"Lady Mother. I'll be excusing myself to the Sealed Cave. Dr. Mobius wanted to see the results of my battle." Iris says

"Okay. But don't exert yourself and make sure you rest afterward. We had a long night."


She walks her way to the Sealed Cave while we make our way back into Tempest, where we were greeted by an unusual sight.

Hm? Why are the residents here already? And why are they kneeling down...?

"Welcome back, Rimuru-sama!" Rigurd greets enthusiastically

"I wish to congratulate you on your ascension to the Octagram. It is truly a joyous moment! More importantly, I am elated to see you back in good health!" Diablo voices his own thoughts with great joy

Um... I'm not exactly in 'good health', and uh... Why are you in Tempest? I thought you were taking down Falmuth... And...

I continued to look at the kneeling crowd around us, who looked happy to see us returning. In front of me, Diablo and Rigurd were now doing the same thing as them.

When did you all have the time to practice this...? It's only been one night!

"Thank you, everyone! Please get up! I'm happy to be back with everyone too!" I greeted them as they got up on my orders

They took the time to congratulate me once again and finally scattered back into the town to return to their daily, bustling activities. Diablo followed us into my office, seemingly having something to tell me.

"Did you faithfully fulfill your duties as Rimuru-sama's escort, Shion-dono?" Diablo asks as he removed my shawl when I unbuckled the tassel

Shion puffs out her chest proudly, "Of course! I have proven that Rimuru-sama doesn't need a second Secretary!"

Diablo grins as he glared at Shion, "Hoh? I don't know about that."

There seems to be some kind of tension or rivalry between these two...

"Now, now, there's no need for arguments." I said, quickly stopping them while looking up at Diablo, "By the way, why are you back in Tempest already, Diablo? Did something happen while you were overthrowing Falmuth?"

"No no, not at all. Everything is proceeding smoothly as planned. Shall I brief you on the state of affairs?" Diablo happily suggests

"Hm... Sure, why not? Let me just set this aside first." I said while walking to find a place to set the lance somewhere

Just as I took a few steps, my body froze up and the lance slipped from my hands.

"My Lady?!"

Diablo, the one who had been closest to me, immediately caught me to stop me from falling to the ground.

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