Side Story: Challenging the Unknown

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Rimuru POV

Diablo really recruited reliable people. Testarossa has now been officially appointed as the military attache that would be sent to the Western Nations as our representative councilor. Ultima would be working in the Legislative department and would be learning under Rogurd. Carrera is also assigned to be the Chief Justice under the Judicial department, unwavering to bribes and violence. Rugurd is assigned to observe her and so far, she has gained his approval too.

I never expected those girls to be this good at their jobs! I mean, we just established our experimental laws and stuff but they already memorized them before I even asked! How reliable!

"Kufufufu. Now that some of your burdens have been lifted, shall I serve you some snacks and tea, Rimuru-sama?" Diablo asks, practically glowing after the assignment of roles and responsibilities had been taken care of

He's the most happy of all though. He must really like to stay by my side. Oh well, as long as he enjoys his work, that's all that matters!

"Sure! Join me for some too!"

"Of course, my Lady."


Ultima POV

Ah, how fun! I thought this might become boring in a few days but doing this legislative business is pretty eventful in its own way! Now what should I do today? Are there any criminals for me to catch...?

My detection magic is always active in order to keep an eye on things but so far, the peace in the nation still lasts, just as Rimuru-sama wanted.

I get that this peacefulness is nice and all, but if only there is something fun to do too... Hm?

I paused and concentrated on the unusual presence I sensed around the area I was in.

It feels like the energy Rimuru-sama has but it's also completely different at the same time...

Curious, I investigated the area to look for the source of the power and found a man with messy grey hair with singed ends playing around with children. Oddly, he's wearing a mask on his face. He's the one with the aura I sensed.

Let's see... He's a Mad Gozu? He doesn't look like one and his existence value isn't that impressive. The only thing different about him is that energy.

Unimpressed by this, I turned to leave but another woman came up to the man. She has fox ears and through analysis, she was as I predicted.

A Demi-Fox? That's rare too. She has the aura as well. Again, her existence value is nothing big, only her energy is different. Let's see... I recognize her. She's part of the security team, a solo soldier. I think she was called Sakura. I wonder why they have that energy that Rimuru-sama has... They look pretty weak.

I was about to leave the area again when the fox lady, Sakura, noticed my presence and walked up to me.

"Hello, little girl. Are you lost?" She asked me before taking a second look at my attire with narrowed eyes, "That's a military uniform..."

She looked at me suspiciously and looked over me again.

She must think that I'm a little girl wearing a military uniform for fun... Oh well, I could always play along.

"You must be one of the new members of the other departments. From the legislative department...?" She finally asks

Well that was quick.

"Yeah! Wow, Big Sister is so smart! My name is Ultima!" I introduced myself merrily

She nods and returns her own greeting, "I am Sakura. I am part of the security team. Are you on patrol too?"

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