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Rimuru POV

The meeting, unfortunately, had to continue with an awkward atmosphere as we returned to our current topics at hand. It was Youm who broke the awkward silence.

"Madam- I mean, Your Majesty Rimuru. I have a question to ask if it's convenient."

I nod, "Go ahead."

"I was going to explain it personally but unfortunately, I'm not as educated, so is it okay for my wife to explain?" He asks

Nodding again, I turned my attention to Mjurran, who was seated beside him.

"You look as great as always, Your Majesty." She praises me

"You too, Mjurran! So what's on your mind?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The question is about the proposal Rimuru-sama mentioned. The route starts from the Blumund Kingdom, crossing through our nation, and reaching Dwargon. I believe you used to have a goal, to strive for the common prosperity of man and monsters. Could you consider that project as part of this goal?" She questioned

A circle of prosperity between man and monsters... I like the sound of that!

"Yes, you can look at it that way! You used the perfect words for this!"

"Thank you for your response. Then my question is this: our kingdom will do what we can to help Rimuru-sama achieve this goal. Fortunately, our nation's nobles were all very intimi- persuaded by Diablo-sama there. They have become very obedient, I mean willing to help, well, mostly to the two of our opinions. That's why we plan to start a national business as the first step in a newly rising nation. Based on these considerations, what should we do as business?" Mjurran asked

I'm sure Diablo did quite a bit behind the scenes. The agriculture must be stabilizing and the nation is slowly changing its focus there. They have already eliminated the unrest within the nation, so they should be focusing on the people now... We could sow some talents within them and let them work in their new kingdom.

"Could you gather the people who are currently unemployed?" I requested

"We shall obey Rimuru-sama's order. If possible, we are actually thinking about using our own manpower to lay down the railway tracks. Since it will become a method of transportation for our agricultural products, surely, the transportation network will be a major lifeline in our nation."

I nodded in agreement, "Mm, indeed. If you won't just be growing the amount for your nation's consumption, it will become a huge surplus in the future. You will need to ship them to other nations in need before they go bad. It would be an important industry for your nation."

"I look forward to the day when the 'Magic Train' runs through the great plains. Surely the merchants in the future will change their trade model as well. We will need to continue to learn to catch up to the trend." Mjurran added

I looked back at Iris as she nodded and stepped forward, "The concept of the Magic Train is that it would run faster than a horse carriage. Goods are usually expected to be delivered in a week but with the train, it would only take about three hours in the future with a storage space that is a hundred times more than a carriage."


In fact, the concept of this was already known to King Gazel and Elmesia, who had spoken to Iris about it before in my presence, so they weren't as surprised as the others in the room. Yuuki, Hinata, and Masayuki were all giving dry smiles while the Flame-chasers were all immune to such a concept since they knew it from a long time ago.

"Right now, we need to purchase the land for laying tracks early. I want to plan a route that is straight and effective. Geld's men, as well as the Beastmen studying in our town, have already learned how to survey land. Iris will step in should there be any other issues but the final confirmation will still be done by me. Other than that, the rest of the work will be done by them. Mjurran, you can find the labor for them to command. Please bring someone who's literate to lead them and also divide them into platoons." I instructed

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