Counterattack (?)

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Third Person POV

Rimuru arrived at the scene with Benimaru, Aponia, and Keith behind her. Souei and the others were aiding the others that were fighting the enemies outside the castle. Feldway was more than annoyed. While she was their target and her appearance was supposed to be a relief to him, there was nothing but annoyances right now due to the circumstances.

"Good job protecting them while we were trying to make it here, Feiyun!" Rimuru called out, "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"You really made me wait for too long!" A voice complained

Feiyun appears beside Yuuki and his group, keeping her eyes on Jahil with a low hum. Jahil was also keeping his eyes on her, figuring that she was the same person that's been speaking in their minds.


"Kagali-sama! Laplace! Tear!"

The four rushed to their side as Kagali pulled Keith into a hug, "Thank you, thank you, Keith!"

"I told you I would come and help." Keith chuckled in relief

"Though you've been sapped of your strength." Aponia added from behind him, "Hello. I am Aponia."

"You mean you're Keith's...!" Tear exclaimed

"Let's exchange pleasantries later." Aponia stopped her and looked over to Jahil as well, "Feiyun. The sinner will be punished, so let me take over."

Feiyun turns to her and shrugs, "Do whatever you want."

Aponia nodded to her gratefully while Rimuru checked on Yuuki, sighing in relief when Ciel reported that he had no significant injuries from Jahil's attack.

"What a relief. I don't know what I would say to Shizue if anything happened to you." She said with a light and relieved tone

"... Rimuru-san, I-"

"Can you all talk later? We are still on the battlefield, you know!" Silvia shouted as a reminder, readying herself as Leon moved away from Feldway to prepare to fight again

"Oh, speaking of that Footman guy..." Feiyun muttered as she held a red feather out to Kagali, "I managed to save what little ego he had left in that body. We'll deal with his body later."

Kagali gasped as she gingerly took the feather from Feiyun. Just as she had said, she could feel the small speck of Footman's ego inside the feather and her eyes watered.

"T... Thank you...! Thank you...!"

"Now, you guys can take a break." Rimuru said as she drew her katana with Benimaru doing the same, "We'll deal with the rest."

Feldway narrowed his eyes. There were more inconveniences now and he didn't think that the reinforcements would be this strong.


Feldway turns to Leon, who was staring straight at Feiyun, "... Michael-sama's goal is possi-"

Feiyun cuts him off with a loud and obnoxious yawn, "You're such an idiot. How did you become a Demon Lord with that kind of naive thinking? You're so incapable, you know!"

A tug was felt and Leon's eye twitched slightly, "What?"

"Wait a minute, Feiyun-dono?!" Benimaru exclaimed, "This is not the time to taunt them!"

"You're an idiot, a lolicon, and a simp at the same time! Yet when it comes to your woman, you never even try to tell her anything! That's your weakness! You're bad at relaying your feelings!" Feiyun continued despite the growing irritation in Leon

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