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Elmesia POV

As I sipped some tea in my private hotel room, my eyes caught the sight of the stars turning in the same unusual manner two years ago. There was a frantic knock on the door as Elalude entered.

"Your Majesty!"

"I know, Elalude." I sighed, turning to watch the stars again, "I can see everything from here. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Y... Yes, but..."

The moon and stars sent God's daughter and she was willing to become a companion to every living being.

I stopped mid-sip and looked at the stars again but they had already dispersed right after those words were relayed.

God's daughter? But the only daughter of this world's God is the Demon Lord Milim. Yet she doesn't seem to be anyone's companion, that's for sure... If so, then who could it be...?

As I pondered this, I heard a small commotion between Elalude and someone else outside my room. Turning my attention to the door, I saw him bickering with Eren and sighed, standing up to walk over.

"What's the matter? You should really be resting, Eren-chan. It's late." I lightly chided the girl

"I-I just need to see Rimuru-san for a bit! I think she was going to the labyrinth, right? Just a bit!" The girl tries to beg us with a slightly panicked expression

"I'm sure you can see her in the morning. And please don't leave your room without your bodyguards. I have matters to settle with her too, anyway. You can accompany me." I assured her, giving her head a small rub, "Now return to your room and sleep."

Although she was highly reluctant, Elalude's additional nagging and the fact that she was probably really tired, Eren finally gave up and returned to her room.

"What was that about...?" Elalude muttered under his breath

She came out right after the Star Phenomenon ended. It may look like a coincidence, but her panic obviously had something to do with it. And it was related to Rimuru...

"Elalude, do you think Rimuru will be free for a short tea party in the afternoon? I figured that we should get to know each other better before we return to Sarion." I suggested to the obviously tired man

I hear him sigh heavily before he nods, "I'll ask her secretary... And about the inn you want to purchase, are you really sure?"

"Fufu, of course! I want to be able to enjoy Yoshida-san's sweets here too so that inn is perfect!" I chuckled behind my open fan, retreating back to my room for the night, "I'll leave that to you, then. Make sure to invite Rimuru too."


... Well, this is an unusual sight...

It was the afternoon and Rimuru apparently freed her schedule to have the tea party with me. However, never would anyone expect to see her being carried over to my newly bought inn by the Storm Dragon himself.

Eren waves excitedly after seeing her, "Rimuru-san!"

"Hi, Eren-chan!" Rimuru returns her a wave before looking down at the dragon, "Now can you please put me down? You have been doing this the whole morning!"

"Well, only I can lift you like this anyway! So who else could be better for the job than me?" The dragon counters with a huff

Rimuru gasped in surprise, "When was it a job to carry me? And you have work to do in the labyrinth. I will see you after dinner, okay? Now let me down! We girls will be having a private tea party!"

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