Emergency Conference

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Rimuru POV

I wasn't aware of much of the changes in the labyrinth due to my busy schedule, but when I talked to Ramiris about it, she gave me surprising information. Zegion had successfully completed his metamorphosis and grew so strong that even Veldora was proud of his process. He could even be as strong as the Judgement-class Honkai Beast Bella. Due to his training with Veldora, he even gained a humanoid form. Furthermore, Arnaud and the other Knights were defeated by the boss of Floor 79, Apito, who had also gained a human form and trained a little under Hinata. She definitely has grown into a beautiful woman worthy of the title 'Insect Queen'.

Wow... Just looking at the recordings from Raphael-san, Zegion does look like Razul from back then, even stronger perhaps! Maybe the cells I used to mend his exoskeleton back then also influenced this.

"So, Arnaud and his friends reevaluated their skills and tried to conquer the labyrinth from Floor 1, but they were stopped on Floor 60 by the Death Paladin, Albert. And since then, Albert has been beating them to a pulp every time. After defeating them, he asked..."

I heard they'd rebranded themselves as Holy Knights, but I didn't know their quality had also changed... diminished, even?

"Arnaud went all-out after hearing that but even his <Nova Break> couldn't beat Albert!" Ramiris continued cheerily

"And with that <Holy-Demonic Reversal> skill that Adalman has, Albert was practically unbeatable!" Elle added

I can see that happening! No wonder Arnaud and the others couldn't stand a chance. And this happened right after their evolution, so they really went at a bad time.

According to Elle, Arnaud and everyone in the Holy Knight Order have been training under Albert's guidance on a rotating schedule.

"So what about the other floors?"

The two gladly explained to me on that part too. In the Dungeon, there was now a group of strong monsters called the Dungeon's Elite Ten. From what I know, they seem to have skills on par with my executives.

The four elemental dragons that Ramiris carefully raised under Milim's instructions have successfully evolved into Dragon Lords due to the exposure to Veldora's immense magicules:

Fire Dragon Lord

Ice Dragon Lord

Wind Dragon Lord

Earth Dragon Lord

The Four Dragon Lords are categorized from the bottom of the list. I almost spilled my cup of tea upon hearing that Bella was also a part of these Elite Ten, interchanging roles with Zegion or being an exclusive special area boss after Floor 80. The other Elite Ten were:

The guardian of Floor 90 - 'Nine-Head' Kumara (absorbing the power of her Tail Beasts would turn her into her true form, an adult form)

The guardian of Floor 80 - 'Insect Kaiser' Zegion

The boss of Floor 79 - 'Insect Queen' Apito

The guardian of Floor 70 - 'Immortal King' Adalman

Lastly, the manager of these Elite Ten, Beretta.

"Nevertheless, I want this trouble- Ahem! This honor to be passed on to someone else..." Beretta said while glancing at Treyni and Charys

"Oh, I have the important task of taking care of Ramiris-sama." Treyni said with a charming smile

"Me too. I am the only devoted servant of Veldora-sama, so I am already busy taking care of him." Charys said while looking around, "Though he isn't here right now."

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